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The Lumineth Realm-lords Are Tackling the Era of the Beast in Their New Battletome

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Enlightenment nears as the luminous Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords prepares to shine its light on the Mortal Realms. Inside the pages of this hallowed tome are tales of Aelven excellence and of arrogance undone.

With the defeat of Nagash at the hands of the Archmage Teclis, the Necroquake came to an end. In response, Alarielle sang the Rite of Life and saturated every realm with life energy. Ghur was the last realm that needed this shot of power, however, and it now thrashes and howls with supercharged arcane might.

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The Lumineth are in tune with the spirits of the realms and now take it upon themselves to placate the frenzied Incarnates that have emerged in Ghur and beyond. Even in the effulgent realm of Hysh, lands once pacified have been beset by hordes of Orruks and Ogors, catching the haughty Aelves off balance.

The suffusion of magical power has reopened the deep wounds caused by the Spirefall long ago. Cadres of Lumineth geomancers spend their days attempting to repair the lands, battling devout followers of Tzeentch who want to exploit these new thaumaturgical nexuses.

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While the Lumineth attempt to fix the realms, back in Hysh the city of Settler’s Gain occupies the time of many of the Lumineth’s most prominent minds.

This teeming metropolis is essentially a facade for a grand experiment designed to usher its citizens towards enlightenment. To ascend the tiers of Settler’s Gain, one must undertake the difficult task of learning to levitate – falls to the death midway through an ascent are considered a feature, not a tragedy!

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Daily life includes a programme of rigorous study and testing under the immense scrutiny of the Lumineth. Failure to perform results in citizens being relocated to the ‘Simple Districts’, unsurprisingly not a popular mandate. Civil disorder is now rife as resentment bubbles over, fuelled by the already seething energy of Ghur.

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You can learn more about the maddening milieu of Settler’s Gain and the scintillating schemes of Teclis and his kin within Battletome: Lumineth Realm-lords, which will be arriving soon. Sign up for the newsletter, so you don’t miss the news.

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