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Grab Your Calendar – Events Are Returning to Warhammer World

WHW Events Aug19 Header

The US Open Series isn’t the only exciting news for in-person gaming in the second half of 2021. The events team at Warhammer World has started scheduling events again! This is a big moment for UK-based hobbyists who have been waiting patiently for a return to competitive tournaments.

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Your safety is paramount, and the team is doing everything they can to ensure participants can congregate sensibly. We also want to make sure everyone has fun, so expect the atmosphere to be even more celebratory than usual. We can’t wait to see more smiling faces in the hallowed gaming halls of Warhammer World. We’re kicking off with four events, but there will be plenty more coming.

Tickets for all four of these events go on sale on the 30th of August, but the full details and event packs are detailed below. Save the date!

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The new edition is here, so bring your favourite Kill Team, matched play rosters, and some gaming accessories for a one-day tournament comprising four games. The wins (and bragging rights) go to the top three scorers. Extra prizes will be handed out to your favourite armies and favourite opponents.

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Return to Warhammer World for five games of Warhammer 40,000 across two days, with the three highest-scoring generals taking home the top prizes. You can also pick up awards for favourite army, best-painted army, and favourite opponent. You’ll need a Strike Force muster army (2,000 points), a printed set of rosters, a copy of your rules, and a set of gaming accessories including dice, rulers, and cards.

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Join your mates (or make some new ones) for a weekend of competitive gaming in the Age of Darkness. You’ll play five games over two days, with prizes going to the top three players, plus secondary awards for favourite armies, best painted, and favourite opponent. Just as with the others, you’ll need copies of your rules, rosters, and your own gaming accessories. 

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Spend a weekend of gaming fun with friends new and old. We’ll be using the new edition Warhammer Age of Sigmar core rules, and the battleplans and profiles from the General’s Handbook 2021. Winners will be determined by victory points accrued over five games – you get four points for a Major Victory, two points for a Minor victory, and one point for a draw. We’ll also have prizes for favourite army, best painted army, and favourite opponent. Come with a 2,000-point Pitched Battle roster, plus your rules and gaming accessories, and get ready to have a blast.

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Keep an eye out for more news about this round of events and the next ones coming, right here on the Warhammer Community website. You can also follow the Warhammer World Facebook page or the Warhammer World website for the latest safety updates, event news, and helpful information to plan your trip.

If you’re feeling a bit out of practice, this might be a good time to read some of the latest Metawatch articles for tips and advice on competitive Warhammer.

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