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  • The Mortal Realms Reforged – The Full Reveal of Warhammer Age of Sigmar Is Coming

The Mortal Realms Reforged – The Full Reveal of Warhammer Age of Sigmar Is Coming

The teasing has got to stop – we’ve seen tons of cool new miniatures, from the humble Clanrat to the swooping Prosecutor – but the time has come to show you absolutely everything that’s coming in the packed launch box for the new edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar.

You’ll see it all for the first time at a live event broadcast from the Dallas Open, where we’ll reveal the name of the box and show off everything inside. Then there’ll be a series of demo games hosted by our demo teams. and there'll even be an appearance from some special guests.AoSReforged Incoming May6 Systems1

If you can’t make it to the live event, you can catch the broadcast on the Warhammer Twitch channel – we’ll link to that here on Warhammer Community on the day. The show starts at 7pm CDT – that’s 1am BST for us Brits.

And that’s not it for previews. There’s actually a second preview on the following Saturday, focusing on anything that isn’t Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Tune in at 12:45 CDT (6:45 BST) on the Warhammer Twitch channel, which we’ll once again link right here on Warhammer Community. There are reveals for Warhammer 40,000, Horus Heresy, Legions Imperialis, and Necromunda.

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Finally, at 8:30pm CDT on Saturday evening, we’ll be back at the Dallas Open for the Warhammer Age of Sigmar Matched Play Masterclass – the first ever livestream of a 2,000-point game. 

In the hot seat are the current World Champion Nicolas Tassone, in a rematch with runner-up Tom Mawdsley in a Lumineth vs Skaven grudge match. This is a must-watch for every competitive player, and the two will be pulling out all the stops to showcase the depth of the new edition.

AoSReforged Incoming May6 Systems3

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