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  • Heresy Thursday – Get the Heads-Up on an Inhuman Assassin and New Astartes Faces

Heresy Thursday – Get the Heads-Up on an Inhuman Assassin and New Astartes Faces

Loyalist forces deploy many agents of the Divisio Assassinorum. These deadly operatives come in all sorts of forms – some are deadly duellists, while others are experts in information warfare, or masters of toxins

They’re all extremely lethal in their own way – but they pale in comparison to the inhuman horror used by the Traitor Legions – the Infernus Abomination. 

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Very few know the true form of these shapeshifting executioners, perceiving only a roiling darkness. As they pursue their prey, the Wraithskin suits they wear override their neural impulses, tearing muscles and breaking bones, pushing the wearer beyond human limits to become the perfect killer.

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This constant flux gives rise to the Transmutative Armaments. Infernus Abominations transform into the forms their foes fear the most, using adaptive melee appendages to bring any opponent low.

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It’s not all horrors from beyond the limits of imagination in the Horus Heresy though. With every Mark VI Helmet Upgrade now revealed, Forge World is also releasing two sets of 15 bare Adeptus Astartes heads – battlefield safety be damned.

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These packs contain a wide variety of heads with various implants, expressions, accessories, hairstyles, and facial hair – some of which are truly magnificent. And they can be used by any Legion!

These heads are on their way very soon, followed later by the Infernus Abomination – all cast in Forge World resin.

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