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Here’s How The Asuryani Aircraft in Wrath of Angels Put the Younger Races in Their Place

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Aeronautica Imperialis: Wrath of Angels is going up for pre-order this Saturday. Along with a gaming mat and all the accessories you need to play games, inside the box, you’ll find two balanced squadrons – one from the indomitable Adeptus Astartes and the other comprised of advanced Aeldari aircraft. 

Yesterday we talked about the Space Marines in the box, and now the time has come to take a closer look at the blurred streaks that shoot across the sky, which are sometimes recognised as Asuryani aircraft. 

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If you enjoy outflying your marks to line up the perfect shot, the Aeldari are for you. But you probably already figured that out when you took our faction-finder quiz, right?


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The quintessential interceptor of the Aeldari air fleets, Nightwing Fighters are incredibly fast and manoeuvrable. It’s their whole thing. 

Able to move up to eight hexes and perform the most punishing move in the game (the rare and powerful Wing Over) with ease, they combine the top speed and highest agility currently in the game.

The impressive base stats of this sleek fighter, plus the Jink special rule, make it astonishingly easy to get into ideal positions to unleash its firepower far more often than more cumbersome fighters. 

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What makes the Nightwing even more remarkable is its shuriken cannon, a weapon that’s inherently perfect for tailing fire, tossing out eight dice at close range and four at mid. And if you want to be REALLY certain you’ll take your mark down (those Space Marines fliers are pretty tough, after all), add on a twin scatter laser, and it’s game over when you’re on their six.

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Since you can expect to run at least three Nightwings in any given mission, you can either go all-in on one strategy or mix their weaponry up to take on a variety of targets. 

When wielded with skill and grace, you’ll be able to keep the biggest threats away from the heavier support elements of your squadron. The term heavier is used relatively here, as the Phoenix Bomber is a proverbial glass cannon. 

Phoenix Bomber 

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Though classified as a Bomber, the Phoenix is difficult to shoehorn into one category. It does have a bomb rack, but its speed, Structure Points, and agility seem more like the Fighters of other factions. 

1-7 Ace Manoeuvres are what make Phoenix Bombers shine, keeping them from getting pinned down like other, clunkier Bombers. Once again, the Jink special rule will ensure they stay out of sticky situations, as well as giving them opportunities to line up killing shots of their own. 

Not only do they have shuriken cannons to shred prey up close, but unlimited ammo weapon options also allow them to punch above their weight at close and medium range. Or you can swap in the more specialised plasma or krak missiles to tailor their role further.  

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For example, if you want to match the sniper-like capabilities of an Adeptus Astartes Xiphon Interceptor, arm them with twin bright lances and a plasma missile array for four very high-quality shots at long range. You’ll retain a serious edge at close-range as well, giving you few weaknesses for the enemy to exploit. 

Ancient Technology

Befitting an empire that once dominated the galaxy, the Aeldari have some of the most unusual and effective upgrades in the game. Their signature Holo-field is essential – it makes stripping those two Structure Points a frustrating exercise for any foe. 

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Extra Damage? Try again, whipper-snappers. Of course, your already-speedy aircraft can zip right out of a deadly target lock with some boosted Star Engines. 

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Your opponent will be dazzled by the things your Aeldari air fleet can do. All things considered, while they lack the durability of factions like the Adeptus Astartes, Asuryani aircraft can absolutely dismantle their opponents at close range, plus their swiftness and agility make catching them off guard extremely difficult. 

The Wrath of Angels box is stuffed with both Asuryani and Adeptus Astartes aircraft, so strap into your flight harness for nail-biting, edge-of-your-cockpit action. The two forces are very well balanced – so each game promises to be a test of wits and luck. 

Pre-order a copy of the boxed set this weekend to get everything you need to play tense bouts of aerial combat. If you missed it, take a look at yesterday’s article covering the Adeptus Astartes aircraft to see what you’re up against. 

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