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Play Realms of Ruin Early, and Enjoy New Content in Darktide

Can’t wait to play Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin, the latest Triple-A Warhammer RTS? We’ve been champing at the bit to get out into the Mortal Realms ever since the Warhammer TV team battled developers Frontier live on stream, and today the first players can raise their Azyrite shields to sally forth in Sigmar’s name. 

If you prefer your battlefields of a more futuristic, plague-infested persuasion, then keep on reading, as more new content is coming to Warhammer 40,000: Darktide.

Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Realms of Ruin

Realms of Ruin launches on the 17th of November – two whole days away – but if you are one of the devoted fans who picked up the Deluxe or Ultimate Edition on Steam, the Epic Games Store, PlayStation 5, or Xbox Series X|S, you can start playing right now.

GamescomRoundup Aug23 AoSRealmsOfRuin Screenshot1

No ifs or buts, your game is ready and waiting for you. Plus, don’t forget you could win one of four beautiful faction-themed Xbox controllers in our prize draw – all you need to do is sign up for Warhammer+ by the 30th of November, and follow @RealmsOfRuin on Twitter/X.* Subscribing and following already? You’re already entered.

Warhammer 40,000: Darktide

To celebrate the first anniversary of Imperial rejects striking out into the plague-ridden warren of Tertium, Darktide is launching a new update, chillingly titled The Traitor Curse Part 1. The traitor Moebian 6th are up to no good in the disreputable district known as the Carnival, and after learning all about their profane motivations in a new cinematic, you’ll be deployed to fend off hordes of enemy troops deep within the Carnival’s heart. 

Back on the Mourningstar, players can now check out their fellow indentured servants’ loyal acolytes’ loadouts with a new Inspect feature, which comes right in time for the Veteran class to tweak a few of its talents and add powerful Keystone abilities.** 

Lic Games Nov15 DarktideArt

As the name suggests, this is only the first part of The Traitor Curse, and the second is coming sooner than you may think – right in time for the winter holidays, in fact. We’ll have more news as it approaches, so keep your sights trained here for the latest buzz from Atoma Prime.

* Terms and conditions apply.

** To accommodate these changes, Veterans will have all of their talents reset so you can pick anew.

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