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Forge World Pre-orders – Fulgrim Transfigured

Slithering into pre-orders for Forge World today is none other than the Primarch of the III Legion. Fulgrim Transfigured is an absolutely stunning miniature, from the tip of his serpentine tail to the top of his resplendent wings.

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Decked out in all the fineries you’d expect of the Primarch of the Emperor’s Children, this miniature stands roughly 10” tall, providing an eye-catching centrepiece for your Traitor force. Blessed with extra arms this Avatar of Perfection wields four weapons, including the Laer Blade, and the option to swap his ornate spear with a daemon-toothed blade.

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This supercilious fiend is absolutely degenerate in close combat, but his pride has him seek out similarly powerful opponents, so he can continue to prove his unparalleled excellence in combat to his dark patron. 

Earlier this week we spoke to the miniature designer behind this incredible model, who lifted the lid on all things Phoenician – make sure you check that out.

You can pre-order Fulgrim Transfigured today, with a two-week pre-order period.

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