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  • Cities of Sigmar – Bring Your Stronghold With You With the Castelite Formation

Cities of Sigmar – Bring Your Stronghold With You With the Castelite Formation

The Castelite formation is at the heart of every Dawnbringer Crusade to depart the Cities of Sigmar in recent years, an innovation credited to Tahlia Vedra, Lioness of the Parch. When a Sigmarite convoy was beset by Kruleboyz in the sulfuric Vitae Deltas of Aqshy, then-mercenary Captain Vedra helped repel the first wave, before ordering her soldiers to break down the expedition’s caravans and palisades into portable – if ramshackle – barricades. 

Dug in behind these defences, the Crusade staved off the inevitable follow-up assault with fusil-cannon and spear. Each time they rebuffed the orruks’ vicious raids, Vedra had her wards pick up their makeshift fortifications and trudge further across the delta, setting them down when the cunning greenskins came leering out of the mists once again, until they were clear. 

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It took weeks of cautious trudging, but thankfully for everyone involved, this novel approach to cross-country travel worked. When word of Vedra’s strategy got back to the eggheads at the Acadamae Martial, they dubbed it the ‘Castelite formation’ and soon ordered it adopted by Sigmarite expeditions across the Mortal Realms. The thinking is simple – if sallying forth from a stronghold is a solid tactic, why not bring the walls with you?

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The walls of this marching keep are made up of Freeguild Fusiliers and Freeguild Steelhelms, whose heavy pavises and reinforced shields provide a sturdy defence for the gun line. Fusil-Majors on Ogor Warhulks serve as the towers, sturdy corner fortifications with keen-eyed snipers on their lofty towers, calling out enemy movements and neutralising key targets.

The Ironweld Great Cannon acts as the gatehouse, which can be wheeled forward as needed to let Freeguild Cavaliers surge into enemy lines. This one-drop Core Battalion is the fulcrum for the many-splendoured armies of the new battletome, with the Slayer ability granting a unit a free Unleash Hell or All-out Attack command on anyone foolish enough to charge a living fortress.

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Moving a whole castle isn’t entirely without issue.* Black-powder weapons are hefty iron constructions fitted with fussy mechanisms, and the Castelite Formation is at its most lethal when it is in a fortified position. A dug-in Ironweld Great Cannon can blast apart elite warriors with its Cannonball or Armour-piercing Shell, but if the formation is on the move then they make do with hastily loaded Grapeshot.

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As the formation trudges forward, the Battlepriests accompanying units of Freeguild Steelhelms nestled within can purge corruption with prayers of devotion. With a rousing Azyrite hymn they Consecrate the Land and bless an uncontested objective, granting all CITIES OF SIGMAR HUMAN units a 6+ ward. Plant your Castelite formation on a vital holy site and let the Slaves of Darkness come knocking – is black-powder shot alright for dinner?**

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Freeguild Steelhelms are the Battleline building blocks of your army, and their kit is simply loaded with personality. You’ll find 15 interchangeable heads on those sprues, as well as extra heads for your Champion, Banner Bearer, and Battle Priests. You’ll be creating troops so unique you’ll want to give them all names.

There’s more Cities of Sigmar coverage to come, so pick up your pavise, grab your pack, and strap on that helmet as we trudge ever closer to the release of the Cities of Sigmar Army Set.

* Moving house is difficult enough, and we don’t even own a pavise.

** Mind the Gargolyians, they absolutely do bite.