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Raid the Blood Bowl Pitch with the Boozy New Norse Team Rules

The Norse Blood Bowl team is available for pre-order this weekend, bringing Beer Boars, biceps, and brutality to the pitch. But what tricks and tactics do they have to score the touchdowns you need to win games? 

You’ll find all their roughhousing rules in Spike! Journal 14 – also up for pre-order this weekend – so we cracked open the pages for a playbook preview.

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The heart of every Norscan team is its humble Norse Raider Linemen – they’re cheap and they start with the Block skill, which allows them to remain standing after a Both Down result. This makes single-dice Blocks much more viable, right from day one. These hefty jarls also have the Thick Skull skill, which makes up for their lower Armour Value* by making them harder to knock out.

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However, you’ll also need to think a little more about where you position your Linemen, as the new Drunkard trait makes it harder for them to Rush. Unless someone is calling “last orders” at the bar, obviously.

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Providing a bit more oomph are the Norse Berserkers. They also start with the Block skill, and have Jump Up too, so they don’t pay any of their Movement Allowance when they stand up after being Prone. Smash, get smashed, stagger to your feet, and smash again!

Crucially, they also begin with the Frenzy skill, which gives them great power – being able to throw two Blocks in one action – but beware! A canny opponent can use your blind fury to pull you out of position, as you’re forced to follow-up into their (former) square. These guys thrive on the support of their team-mates, and they especially love it if their colleagues can earn the Guard skill.

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The Ulfwereners** are great at punching holes in opposing lines for you to exploit. With Strength 4 and Frenzy, they can go on a proper rampage through other teams. Use them wisely, however! Though they may bear the blessings of the Wolf God, they don’t start with that all-important Block skill – meaning they’ll soon find themselves targeted by canny opposing coaches.

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Once your Berserkers and Ulfwereners have taken out a few opposing players, you’ll need someone to take advantage of the spaces appearing over the pitch. That’s where the Valkyries come in. These dynamic players are fast and talented, starting with both the Pass and Catch skills so you can really stretch the pitch with a passing game. 

BB NorseRules Apr12 Image5They’re also useful on defence with Dauntless, which allows them to take on opposing players with a higher Strength, and Strip Ball, which forces your opponent to drop the ball when the Valkyrie gets the Push Back result in a Block roll. Blitz the ball carrier, and then grab it for yourself before they even know what’s hit them.

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Completing the team are the Beer Boars, surely candidates for 2022’s Miniature of the Year award.*** They can’t pick up the ball, they have next to no Armour, and their Strength value will allow even a Halfling to roll a two-dice Block. 

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What they can do, however, is give your players a much-needed mid-match Pick-me-up thanks to the lovely ale they carry. It’s medicinal, don’tcha know?

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Thanks to the abilities of their positionals, the Norse team offers a nice mix of violence and skill. You can add in even more damage with a Yhetee, and mix things up with skilful Star Players such as Ivar Eriksson and Thorsson Stoutmead.

The Norse Blood Bowl team is available to pre-order from Saturday – along with a double-sided frozen lake pitch and dugouts, Norse-themed dice, a team card pack, and the latest issue of Spike! magazine, which contains all of the rules you need to get them onto the astrogranite. Looking to beat them on the pitch? Try fighting ice with fire, and pick up the Khorne team for a properly brutal Blood Bowl battle.

* You can be as ‘ard as you like, but it won’t make up for playing matches wearing belts, boots, and a few scraps of fur…

** That’s “Wolf Warrior”, according to our League linguists!

*** Sorry, Avatar of Khaine, you’re amazing, but you’re just not as cute as a pig with a pint.

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