Have you seen the new Boss Snikrot miniature? It’s no big surprise if you haven’t – he’s the sneakiest Ork around, and an effective Blood Axe Kommando leader. He’s leading the new Boarding Patrol: Orks into pre-order this weekend, so we wondered how his hand-picked sneak-boyz would look on the battlefield.
Boss Snikrot’s Blood Axe Boarders
First, let’s have a closer look at that Boarding Patrol. Though the Red Skull Kommandos are his go-to cronies, any Ork who can hold their tongue for more than 10 seconds can find a place on a secret Snikrot mission.
This time he’s brought 10 Beast Snagga Boyz along for the ride, plus five freebootin’ Flash Gitz* picked up on his travels through space. Combined with his tooled-up Kommandos, this is a box with lots of punch up close, plenty of firepower for clearing corridors, and loads of bodies for splitting up and securing objectives.
Da Big Distrakshun Plan
On a full-size battlefield, Snikrot can bring more of his buddies along for a sneaky stab-a-thon. Is a Blood Axe army even a Blood Axe army if it’s not maximising its Kommandos?
In a moment of sheer Orky genius, the Boss has bartered for the aid of some mercenary Flyboyz piloting Deffkoptas and Dakkajets. It’s a lesson he learned in the jungles of Armageddon – if the ‘umies are too busy looking up for the koptas, they’ll never notice the Orks stabbin’ ‘em from the front. Taktiks!
Waaagh! Gitcleava Battle Mob
Let’s not forget, Snikrot is a humble soul. He doesn’t need to be in command all the time – he’s quite happy tagging along with a larger Ork force. Deploy him right in front of your enemy’s nastiest units, preferably tucked away in some scattered cover, and the distraction he and his Kommandos create can let your massive mobs of Ork Boyz move up the board in relative safety.
Your other boyz will appreciate the fact that the enemy is shooting at something else for a turn or two** and long-range Lootas and Mek Gunz can take a moment to find a perfect position to unleash the dakka. You will need some fighty lads to help out the embattled Kommandos eventually – the Stormboyz can drop right in where they’re needed.
How would you factor the stealthiest Ork in the galaxy into your battle plans? Do you, a fine and upstanding Ork, even believe in battle plans? You can find out this weekend when Boarding Patrol: Orks – your first chance to get hold of the new Boss Snikrot – goes up for pre-order.
* Although they’re a Heavy Support choice, Orks can take a unit thanks to their special Mustering Rules.
** We’re sure Snikrot will forgive the Warboss for using his lads as bait.