This year’s first three US Open events have been packed with fun activities and exciting tournament action, and as you’d expect from any gathering of Warhammer hobbyists, there have been oodles of beautiful miniatures on display.
We’ve collected some of our favourites for your enjoyment and inspiration.
First up are Darius Choksy’s Chaos Knights, which feature a number of great conversions, including War Dogs that offer obeisance to each of the four gods, a bat-faced, viscera-smeared Night Lords Knight Rampager, and more.
Lucas Jessic’s Adepta Sororitas army is a stunning exercise in object source lighting. Each miniature is painted as if it is facing towards a towering inferno, with their front brightly lit and their back in shadow. A matching display base even includes an intruding Chaos force casting shadows towards the Battle Sisters.
Jason Nichols' Death Guard army is painted in the varied green and rust colours of Nurgle, plus some sharply-contrasting blues supercharged with an eye-searing saturation that brings a unique edge to Mortarion’s sons. The army is full of stomach-turning conversions, including a host of heavily corrupted tanks. Look carefully - there's even a poxwalker hot tub in one of the Rhinos!
John Keller mustered an Ultramarine army that features no Primaris units. Beautifully painted in the regalia of Ultramar, their vehicles also feature heavy weathering from years of loyal service.
Christopher Stifter’s desert-dwelling Gloomspite Gitz have wrangled themselves a great big horde of cobalt squigs. The classic contrasting colour combination between blue and orange makes these bouncing bundles of teeth really stand out, as their grot herders watch from a moonlit mesa.
Ricky Fischer has employed Kragnos to drag a horde of Troggoths out from under a bridge. His bellows and stomps have summoned lovingly painted Dankholds, Rockguts, Fellwaters and more.
Curron Kleen-Brown’s Maggotkin of Nurgle take the traditional turquoise of verdigris and turn it into the central colour of the whole force, where it provides a striking contrast to the swollen, inflamed skin and plague-dulled brass.
Hunter Erdmann’s Nighthaunt host offers up something grisly – pale white robes splattered with gore, matched with rusted blades and the light of spectral torches.
Congratulations to everyone who played during the US Open, and apologies to all the gorgeous armies we didn’t have the space to feature this time. Keep an eye on Warhammer Community for more pictures from the Open events in the coming weeks.
The finale is nearly upon us. The Grand Narrative event is taking place in New Mexico from the 17th to the 20th of November, and we can’t wait to see what people bring with them – and who is crowned the ultimate champion of Warhammer Age of Sigmar and Warhammer 40,000. Tickets to the narrative portion of this event are still available – you can pick them up here.
We’ll be showing off some of the special happenings at the Finale on this very website, so, sign up for our newsletter, and join us in November.