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  • The Tasty New Stratagems in Codex: Tyranids Will Put Your Opponent Off Their Lunch

The Tasty New Stratagems in Codex: Tyranids Will Put Your Opponent Off Their Lunch

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With the new Codex: Tyranids up for pre-order tomorrow, we’ve been talking about Tyranids an awful lot. They’re even bigger, even more toxic… and really kind of gross. You’ll need a copy of the book to tuck into the full course, but we’ve got one more amuse-bouche for you today – some truly grisly Stratagems.

If you’re eating, maybe just pause while you read this one...

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At this point, everyone knows that Tyranids are really hungry. So hungry, in fact, that they’re legitimately trying to eat the entire galaxy. It seems like an unrealistic goal, but there are plenty of ways to help all that yummy biomass go down a little smoother. For starters, why not pre-digest your prey with an Acidic Torrent?

Acidic torrent

A fizzing ACID MAW is a signature trait of the flamespurting Pyrovores, but insidious Genestealers and even the mighty Carnifex can be upgraded to gain the keyword – that’s a whole lot of mortal wounds you’ll be vomiting up. Deeelicious.

Not all of your creatures can simply drool their enemies to death – a Tyranid MONSTER that finds itself staring down a particularly chewy meal (such as the new Imperial and Chaos Knights) might have to put a little extra oomph into their chomping. Luckily for them, a Voracious Appetite can do just that!

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The Hive Mind’s biggest beasties are getting even badder in the new codex, with a ton of Attacks at a scarily-high Strength – and custom Adaptive Physiologies to boot! This Stratagem is a sure-fire way to avoid wasting a single giant-sized bite, as you reliably take out even the toughest threats to your army.

Of course, Tyranids aren’t just about the big bugs. The little critters have to eat, too! Anyone who’s witnessed a lunch rush knows exactly where this is going – there’s no way to satisfy an Endless Swarm.

Endless swarm

ENDLESS MULTITUDE is a keyword found on all your Swarming Masses of bugs, from the humble Hormagaunts to the airborne Gargoyles,* and it makes your Tyranid hordes a real nightmare to stamp out. Use this Stratagem to undo your opponent’s hard work, and they may simply decide to train their guns elsewhere – leaving your smaller critters to run amok.

Which leads us nicely to our next trick…

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Sometimes, you’ve got to eat on the move. No judgement, we’re all busy – and once you’ve charged in and chowed down, why stick around to do the dishes? Time to burn off those calories as you Overrun.


This Stratagem will allow your units to grab some fast food, aggressively pushing forward after a charge – or scuttling into cover to avoid the enemy’s biggest guns. Of course, you’ve got to finish eating before you’re excused – use it to finish off weakened foes, or turn small harassment squads into a grab-and-go snack.

The various Tyranid hive fleets don’t just offer on-the-fly Hyper-adaptations – they also come with their own Stratagem. If you like the sound of commanding a teeming swarm, why not join Hive Fleet Hydra and build up a Critical Mass of hungry bugs?

Critical Mass

Pair up this Stratagem with Endless Swarm, and you can make sure you’ve got the numbers on your side to allow your horrible horde to punch above its weight in the endgame – then dash into touchdown with Overrun. Who doesn’t love an underdog story?**

Start salivating – there are loads more crunchy combinations and tasty tricks to try out in Codex: Tyranids. Check back tomorrow to pre-order the book – and a set of datacards to keep track of all your Stratagems and Synaptic Imperatives – and you’ll soon have it clutched in your twitching talons.

* Not to mention all the Termagants stuffed into the new Combat Patrol

** Other than all the planets you’ll soon be digesting, obviously.

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