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  • Warhammer on the Road – Tickets on Sale Soon for the Next US Open Series Events

Warhammer on the Road – Tickets on Sale Soon for the Next US Open Series Events

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The US Open Series is the biggest Warhammer roadshow in the North American calendar – and tickets for the next three events will be on sale from Friday the 10th of June. Get ready for three huge events featuring tournament play between the best Warhammer players in the world, as well as more casual narrative gaming events, plus hobby clinics, fun activities, event exclusive miniatures, and the Forge World trade stand.

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Tickets will be available for three huge events: 

  • US Open Chicago: the 6th to the 9th of October

  • US Open Kansas City: the 27th to the 30th of October

  • US Open Grand Finale (New Mexico): the 17th to the 20th of November

Also – if you're looking to attend the US Open San Diego, held on the 10th to the 12th of June, last-minute tickets can be found here.

So what’s all the good stuff you can expect at these epic events? Well, for starters there are the fantastic Warhammer 40,000 and Warhammer Age of Sigmar Grand Tournaments – the winners of which will earn a ticket to the Grand Finale in New Mexico to throw down with the best Warhammer players in the world. 

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There are also a bunch of super-fun Warhammer hobby events, including classes, seminars, open hobby competitions, and more. These events aren’t just for top-table gamers – in fact there were more hobbyists along for the ride than tournament competitors. It’s a grand day out for Warhammer fans of every kind.

What’s more, each event has a unique flavour all of its own. In Chicago, you can join in the Great Crusade with awesome Horus Heresy Narrative play. In Kansas City, strap on your helmet for a huge Blood Bowl event.

The capstone to the series is in New Mexico on the banks of the Rio Grande, where guests will join in the most immersive Grand Narrative event you’ve ever seen. Expect fireside briefings at sunset, immersive storytelling, personalisation from the moment you arrive, and surprises galore. It’s open to all, so don’t miss this one-of-a-kind narrative event.

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Warhammer will also have a major presence at one of the biggest all-round gaming events in the calendar – GenCon 2022. There’ll be an amazing booth with plenty of game demos, event-exclusive miniatures, and an extensive inventory of Forge World miniatures from across the worlds of Warhammer.

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We’ll be hosting another round of Kill Team: Live!, an immersive laser tag experience that simulates the premier science fiction skirmish game – including objectives to take and hold against your enemy.

We’ve also got some incredible hobby classes to explain some advanced painting techniques, and a huge area to play games in. Finally, there’s the Sealed Team games – a mystery box gaming event. Participants get a fully assembled and primed squad for one of a range of Warhammer games, ready to play. Which one will you get – and can you use it to beat your challengers? Tickets are on sale now.

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Back in the UK there are two new events being held at Warhammer World in Nottingham in September

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Rising Tomb is a Warhammer 40,000 Crusade event. It follows your forces as they play through five Crusade games, stringing together a tense and exciting narrative. Players will build a map consisting of different districts and explore it together, battling one another in games of Warhammer 40,000 as they do so. Along the way, they will gain new abilities and be able to raid any Necron vaults they find, securing powerful pieces of xenotech in the process.

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This event will be held on the 3rd and 4th of September 2022. Tickets will be available from here from the 6th of June.

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Welcome to Warhammer World's first ever team event for the Middle-earth Strategy Battle game™. Teams of four will duke it out to see which Fellowship can emerge victorious.

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The event will be held on the 17th and 18th of September. Tickets will be available from here from the 6th of June.

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