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  • Warhammer Preview Online – Da Gloomspite Gitz Crash Da Party Atop New Snarlfang Steeds

Warhammer Preview Online – Da Gloomspite Gitz Crash Da Party Atop New Snarlfang Steeds

We’ve seen the incredible new Beastlord, but now it’s time to put some boing in your step as we reveal something very special for the Gloomspite Gitz.

We’ve already seen gobbos on doggos in the form of Rippa’s Snarlfangs, a warband for Warhammer Underworlds, but soon you’ll be able to take a full unit (or units!) of Snarlfang Riders in your games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. 

Perhaps descended from the classic Wolf Riders of the World-that-Was, these greenskinned raiders belong to the plains-dwelling Gitmobs – rather than the subterranean Moonclans or arboreal Spiderfangs – and bring a fast, flexible element to Gloomspite Gitz armies.

Armed with grot bows, stabbin’ stikkas, and the slavering, toxic jaws of their snarlfang partners in crime, these gobbos are great at flanking enemy positions and finishing off wounded targets, thanks to their cruel ability to Smell Weakness.

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Wait, new rules? But that must mean… Yes, the Gloomspite Gitz are getting a new battletome!

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While the cover may be an update on the existing battletome, the insides have changed quite considerably! Lots of units are getting new rules and abilities, and there are some tasty stat boosts across the battletome. Our top pick is squigs – they’re getting better, bouncier, and bitier – and an all-squig army will be viable.* As will a force of rampaging troggoths, skittering spiders, or waves of hapless shroom-addled grots.

The Gloomspite Gitz and Beasts of Chaos are far from the only Warhammer Age of Sigmar factions arriving in 2023. Check out the latest roadmap…

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We’ll have more on the Snarlfang Riders and Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz as we get closer to next year’s release date – keep up to date with the latest updates from the Bad Moon by signing up for our newsletter. In the meantime, check out the other big reveals from the US Open.

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* Perfect if you’ve asked Santa for a Stampeding Squigalanche Battleforce for Christmas.

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