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Van Saar Brutes and Boards Make Short Work of Ash Wastes Gangs

The gangs of House Van Saar are notorious for their use of advanced technology, and the loping strides of the fearsome arachni-rig are one of most feared sights imaginable for ill-prepared gangers. With new rules in the upcoming supplement The Aranthian Succession: Ruins of Jardlan, these versatile Brutes are finally ready to hit the ash wastes.

NEC Arachnirig Oct16 ArachnirigsTerrain

Known as Arachnika Ash-jumpers, these are modified versions of the classic arachni-rig. Van Saar gangs use them in place of more cumbersome assault vehicles in the ash wastes, their skilled pilots speeding across the deserts of Necromunda in leaps and bounds to take enemy convoys completely by surprise, with jump boosters closing the distance to their target in moments.

NEC Arachnirig Oct16 SuperiorWeaps

Their heavy carapace armour helps to protect the fragile pilot within, while advanced control systems allow them to aim and fire two different weapons at the same time. The standard loadout packs a heavy las carbine array, a plasma gun, and a rad gun, while enterprising pilots can swap things out for a flamer or a harpoon gun if they desire.

NEC Arachnirig Oct16 VanSaarTeknika

Despite their proven utility, Ash-jumpers aren’t the only vehicles used by Van Saar gangs in the ash wastes, and their natural technical ability makes their crew specialists – known as Teknikas – particularly skilled at handling a wide array of vehicles.Teknikas carry on the Van Saar tradition of excellent marksmanship, and are particularly disciplined when the going gets tough. These skills come at a commensurate cost, though, standing a fair bit higher than their Escher, Orlock, Goliath, and Cawdor contemporaries at 45 credits.

NEC Arachnirig Oct16 AntiGravPlat

The challenges of the ash wastes have also prompted the gang forges to tinker with their infamous grav-cutters, which are now certified safe enough for everyone to ride.* Much like the bikes, cutters, and giant mutant flea-monsters of other gangs, grav-cutters give their rider a burst of speed out in the wastes, while also allowing them to soar over obstacles and impassable terrain.

NEC Arachnirig Oct16 AutoGyro

This boost in mobility does make the riders something of a target though, so the ingenious engineers of House Van Saar have added an advanced auto-gyro stabiliser. This ensures the rider won’t topple off their board under fire,** and can quickly right themselves should they be pitched to the ground.

Pile your own Van Saar gang into their Ridgehaulers, strap into a new plastic Arachni-rig, and bound across the ash wastes when The Aranthian Succession: Ruins of Jardlan comes to pre-order this Saturday alongside new models and ash wastes upgrades.

* Previously, only the stir-crazy Neoteks were brave enough to hop on board.

** Especially important as the extra speed hits the rider with a big chunk of damage when falling off.

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