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  • Heresy Thursday – Unleash a Pack of Dire Wolf Scout Titans With a New Plastic Kit

Heresy Thursday – Unleash a Pack of Dire Wolf Scout Titans With a New Plastic Kit

Heresy Thursday has returned! Today, we’ve got a small but no less exciting instalment of our weekly Heresy-themed reveal article. With the cat shaped like Warhammer: The Horus Heresy - Legions Imperialis now out of the bag, we’ll be using Heresy Thursday to talk about this new game alongside classic, regular-sized Horus Heresy.

This week, the Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan skulks into Legions Imperialis with an impressive new plastic miniature.

HHThursday DireWolfHeavyScoutTitans Jul06 Image1

Previously available in resin, this hound has a bite that’s far worse than its bark, mounting a carapace weapon of a class usually reserved for larger Titans. In games of Adeptus Titanicus, we know that it loves to hide in dense terrain to ambush hulking  Reavers and Warlords, and it’s no less deadly in Legions Imperialis – especially when it has columns of tiny tanks to chew on.

This new plastic kit comes with a choice of weapons up top – either an explosive volcano cannon, the punchy neutron laser, or a conversion beam dissipator. 

HHThursday DireWolfHeavyScoutTitans Jul06 Image2

In addition to a Titan-smashing main weapon, it sports two Ardex mega-bolters, gigantic rapid-fire weapons that unleash salvos of mass-reactive bolts.

Rules for this Titan hunter will be available in the main Legions Imperialis rulebook,* while the box contains a pair of Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titans – just like regular Warhounds. And remember, they can be used in both games of Adeptus Titanicus and Legions Imperialis.

* Rules for the new conversion beam dissipator in Adeptus Titanicus and Legions Imperialis are provided.

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