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  • The Cities of Sigmar, the Speediest Orks, and a Fellowship of Battle Reports in White Dwarf 470

The Cities of Sigmar, the Speediest Orks, and a Fellowship of Battle Reports in White Dwarf 470

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It’s that time again – we’re jumping into another issue of White Dwarf magazine. Issue 470 is on its way, and on the cover is a fancy-dan Freeguild General from the Cities of Sigmar.

WD470Preview Nov10 Covers

November’s issue is packed with new rules, in-depth lore coverage, interviews with studio staff, incredible miniatures, and plenty more. 

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As it’s the run-up to the Festive season, there are some free gifts with this issue – cards for Adeptus Titanicus, Aeronautica Imperialis, Blood Bowl, and Necromunda – all themed around gifts and having a good time.* Plus, more Tome Keepers transfers – soon you’ll have enough for an entire chapter – as well as Warhammer Christmas cards, and a lovely piece of Speed Freeks art.

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Not forgetting, of course, the magazine itself – let’s see those contents in more detail.

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Tome Celestial: Cities of Sigmar

Front and centre in this issue’s Tome Celestial are the many and varied Cities of Sigmar. As with previous entries, you’ll get a blast of lore to catch you up on the faction’s place in the setting, plus piping hot new rules for Matched Play, Open Play, and Path to Glory Narrative play.

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Expect Mount Traits for your Griffons and Black Dragons, a Grand Strategy, new Battle Tactics, plus a whole mini-campaign set in the hostile and mist-ridden environment of Ulgu.

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Flashpoint Octarius: Speed Freeks

Over in Octarius, convoys of raucous, promethium-head Greenskins have raided the sector’s stocks of red paint and daubed their vehicles in go-faster colours, creating the fastest Speed Freeks Waaagh! Ever.

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This bumper investigation into everyone’s favourite high-octane boyz contains a new Theatre of War, datasheets for unique HQ units, and a Road Wars Strike Force mission. There’s also an entire section dedicated to the process of building and painting your Speed Waaagh! 

Middle-earth™ Strategy Battle Game

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For fans of the Fellowship of the Ring, there’s a vast section dedicated to the Quest of the Ring Bearer. It contains three battle reports leading up to the Fellowship’s split after Amon Hen, plus a whole host of scenery and painting tutorials.

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And All the Rest

This isn’t even half of it. This issue also contains a comprehensive overview of the major events of the Horus Heresy, and features by designers and playtesters for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, Adeptus Titanicus, and Warhammer Underworlds. Plus there’s a brand new Black Library short story from Guy Haley featuring the soon-to-be famous vagabond Drekki Flynt, and more!

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You won’t want to miss out on this White Dwarf, or any future instalments for that matter, so don’t forget to grab an annual subscription over on – then you never have to worry about forgetting to pick up an issue.

* Imperial gifts are mostly payloads of explosive death delivered to heretics and xenos who should quite frankly be thankful that they’re getting even that.

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