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  • Minka Lesk – Celebrate Cadia’s Finest with a New Miniature, New Books, and a Free Mission

Minka Lesk – Celebrate Cadia’s Finest with a New Miniature, New Books, and a Free Mission

Minka Lesk is one of the soldiers who survived the apocalypse that consumed Cadia. She now fights on to honour the brave souls lost to one of Abaddon’s most audacious gambits

Full name Arminka Lesk, this plucky and resourceful hero is the creation of Justin D Hill, who has penned all her stories.* When the 13th Black Crusade came knocking, the young Whiteshield was tasked with defending her home against the inevitable.**

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She has since rocketed through the ranks, propelled by her natural affinity for command, a track record of fighting impossible odds, and a dash of luck. Lesk now finds herself in charge of a company of the Cadian 101st, leading them to honour their lost home world’s memory. 

This weekend is a treat for Minka fans, as she gets a brand-new book – plus an amazing miniature which is available to order between the 22nd of July and the 7th of August at 8am BST.

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Shadow of the Eighth follows the Cadian 101st as they discover the fate of the Cadian 8th. Initially thought lost in the fall, signs now point to the regiment’s unforeseen escape – perhaps to the slowly crumbling empire of a Chaos-worshipping tyrant... Alongside its release in paperback, eBook, and audiobook, you can also get this book in an exquisite Special Edition limited to just 1,500 copies – full details are in last weekend’s Sunday Preview.

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Also hitting shelves this weekend is a Minka Lesk: The Last Whiteshield, a massive omnibus collecting all five of the previous Minka Lesk stories in one place, the perfect introduction to this character and her exploits. 

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If you’ve already started your collection of Lesk stories, you can still pick up Battle for Hive Markgraaf, Cadia Stands, Cadian Honour, and Traitor Rock, and the 2021 Advent eShort The Place of Pain and Healing from the Black Library website.

On top of all of this, the Warhammer Studio has also created a free downloadable battleplan you can play, which gives you a chance to retell the Fall of Kasr Myrak and make the forces of Chaos pay in blood for every inch of Cadian territory they take… before the inevitable end, of course. You can download it below.

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All this Lesky goodness will be available to pre-order on the Games Workshop webstore from this Saturday.

* Check out our interview with Justin about his upcoming Adepta Sororitas novel.

** Whiteshields are the cadets and reinforcements of the Astra Militarum – caps featuring the wingless skull of the Whiteshields can be found in the Cadian Upgrades set.

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