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  • When Warhounds Won’t Cut It – It’s the All-new, All-smashing Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan

When Warhounds Won’t Cut It – It’s the All-new, All-smashing Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan

Even in Adeptus Titanicus, Scout Titans are a bit of an oxymoron – at 17 metres tall, no amount of camouflage is going to keep them out of sight. Nevertheless, the humble Warhound Titan is nippy and (comparatively) agile, designed to harry even larger war machines with, for instance, intense barrages of superheated plasma aimed at vulnerable knee joints.

But where do you turn when you need something scouted, and then shot full in the face by even heavier ordnance?

AT DireWolfReveal Jan24 Content1

Is that a Warhound? Is it a Reaver? No, it’s a Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan, an all-new variation of the Warhound Scout Titan with a big old extra gun right above the cockpit. And it’s disturbingly good at ambushes.

The Dire Wolf is especially favoured by the Traitor Legio Audax,* but it can be fielded by any force, whether they’re loyal to the Warmaster or the Emperor. It introduces a bundle of new armaments, including two carapace weapon options – the armour-busting neutron laser and the old, reliable volcano cannon. On top of that, it sports twin Ardex defensor mega-bolters.

AT DireWolfReveal Jan24 Content2

These diminutive bad boys pack a far heftier punch than their two-gunned cousins, though at Scale 6 they're the same size. Their chassis have been modified to stabilise a heavier payload, with flatter feet and more armour plating. Likewise, the void shield generators have been moved to accommodate the big new guns.

And as you can see from the neutron laser, these reconstruction efforts have been worth it…

AT DireWolfReveal Jan24 Content3

Both variations of the Dire Wolf Heavy Scout Titan will be available from Forge World later in the year. Sign up to our newsletter and you'll be the first to find out the release date when it’s announced.

* As seen in the Traitor Legios supplement for Adeptus Titanicus.

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