Just last month a bunch of our friends from the wider Warhammer online community got their hands on the beautiful new Phoenix Lord miniatures, and a few of their Aspect Warriors, to show off their incredible painting skills. We couldn’t let them have all the fun, though, and a few boxes happened to make their way to Warhammer Community towers just in time for us to paint them.
Joel kicked things off with the big newcomer, Lhykhis, and her Warp Spiders leaping from the Immaterium. He decided to buck tradition and give his Aspect Warriors chilling white armour, which complements the snow bases and the mysteriousness of the Warp Spiders perfectly.
Luke’s Dark Reapers and their Phoenix Lord Maugan Ra fight alongside his Craftworld Biel-tan army, and as such have a colour-scheme to match, utilising dark greens and teals. The Aspect Warriors retain red-hued weapons as a nod to the shrine’s legacy, while Maugan Ra is accented with aged bone.
Daz isn’t a member of Warhammer Community – he’s from the Warhammer Design Studio, and was part of the team who worked on the new miniatures. He always goes the extra mile even on regular troopers, a fact fully on display with his impeccable Fire Dragons, who positively glow with inner warmth. His take on Fuegan sticks close to the regular colour scheme but adds tons of small freehand details to spice it up, such as the cracking lava effect on his helmet vanes.
Lydia painted two versions of the terrifying Jain-Zar – the modern plastic kit and the classic metal miniature from so far back it first came in a red blister pack.* These are joined by a coterie of Howling Banshees painted by Ash from the Warhammer store in Leeds to match Lydia’s Phoenix Lords.
Lastly for the Phoenix Lords, Asurmen keeps a close watch over his Dire Avengers, painted by Gadge. While these indefatigable warriors have been seen fighting in all manner of colours, Gadge has stuck to the tried-and-tested blue armour and white helmets – an iconic look for the flexible line infantry of the Warrior Aspects.

But what about those Aspect Shrines whose Phoenix Lords are currently wandering the Galaxy?
Jon picked up a Crimson Hunter, and switched things around by painting the fuselage in Aeldari camouflage using a variety of sea greens, while keeping the pilot’s flight suit the traditional red of his Aspect Shrine. Eddie graced us with his immaculate converted Shining Spears which you might recognise from last year’s Armies on Parade contest, while Jamie’s Striking Scorpions lurk amidst the trees waiting for a chance to strike.**
Before you get into a flap, we’ve not forgotten about Baharroth and the Swooping Hawks. They had been planned as part of the article but they were otherwise indisposed fighting against some pink armoured Space Marines elsewhere…
Do you have plans for your own Phoenix Lords and Aspect Warriors? You can pick up all the new miniatures when they hit well-stocked shelves near you this Saturday, and if you’re not sure where you can get them, just check our Store Finder to see where the nearest Warhammer store is.
* Remember those? Time to get your bus pass.
** Or perhaps waiting for their Phoenix Lord to return…