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  • The Librarian Consul Boils Space Marines With Warp Lightning, Even if the Emperor Says Not To

The Librarian Consul Boils Space Marines With Warp Lightning, Even if the Emperor Says Not To

Edicts of Nikaea? Rubbish! If the Emperor didn’t want psykers fighting in his Legions, would he really have made them look as cool as this brand new Librarian Consul miniature?

13 04 HH Consul 1

We didn’t think so either. Librarians are the psychic specialists of the Space Marine Legions, channelling the fury of the Immaterium into bolts of lightning, gouts of searing flame, and all manner of spectacular supranormal techniques. Given the sheer power at their fingertips, these warp-wielding warriors commonly rise to high ranks within their Legions – few Primarchs* entirely shunned their skills until the aforementioned Edicts.

This resin miniature can be fielded as a Librarian from any Legion, clad in a suitably-modified suit of MKVI power armour. The details adorning their armour are clean and regal, contrasting their ordered, careful exploration of warp power against the flashy, devil-may-care Esoterists.

13 04 HH Consul 2

Though perhaps less ostentatious than their 41st Millennium descendants, the Librarians of the Horus Heresy are no less formidable in combat. Even when not unleashing aetheric lightning, their signature Force weapons strip the life from enemies with coruscating psychic power, scything through armour and flesh as easily as a puff of magic smoke.

Force Axe Weapon Profile

Force Rule

Librarians have access to a wide array of potent powers, from arcane attacks to empowering enchantments, while some Legions supplement their psychic education with their own unique disciplines. Stormseers of the White Scars can conjure The Unseen Bolt with their mastery over atmospheric power, while the Word Bearers’ cursed Diabolists call forth blistering Hellfire – to name but a few.

The Useen Bolt Weapon Profile

Hellfire psychic weapon Profile

Alas, this is the last we’ll see from Heresy Thursday for a short while, as Legions both Traitor and Loyalist take time to rest and replenish their forces. There’ll still be some major reveals to see at Warhammer Fest in just two weeks’ time, and Heresy Thursday will return to its regular slot later this year with more reveals for Warhammer: The Horus Heresy.

In the meantime, there’s an Exemplary Battles article coming very soon featuring a download of the much-anticipated Imperialis Militia army list, and a little further down the line is the full army list for the Daemons of the Ruinstorm.

Until then, sign up for our newsletter so you don’t miss a peep, and give those Loyalists/Traitors** what for!

* Even the most anti-witch Primarchs, like Mortarion, had psykers in their Legions – they just learned to keep quiet...

** Delete as appropriate.

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