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Chaos Warriors and Exalted Heroes of Chaos Dress To Impress in Their New Kits

The full range of new Slaves to Darkness prepare to storm the Mortal Realms this Saturday. Hulking Chaos Warriors make up the bulk of these forces, led by Exalted Heroes of Chaos, and both get new kits full of options to diversify your hellforged hordes. 

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First up, the Chaos Warriors, have a wealth of options beyond the initial armament choice between hand weapons or halberds. 

AoS ChaosWarriors Jan10 Image2

There are 10 interchangeable helmeted heads for the rank and file, which work on any body. Your champion can also pick between a male or female head or a choice of two helmets. And because a bascinet isn’t conducive to a sonorous toot, your musician can also get a helmetless head.

All nine weapons and runeshields work across the whole kit, and for the halberds, eight are swappable between bodies, while two are doublehanded affairs for specific warriors.

There are two different banner choices, one with a scrap of fabric you can personalise with ominous scrawlings, the other a sigil made of skulls and spikes. Each can have one of two emblems for even more variety between units. Topping this off are not one but two opportunities to have your warriors holding grisly severed heads, a time-worn Chaos Warrior tradition.

Exalted Heroes of Chaos work hard to get noticed by their favoured deity. In return for a lifetime of slaughter, they have been supplied with a choice selection of gear. There’s a helmeted or unhelmeted head, not to mention a choice of savage dual axes or a gnarly rune-etched blade and chaos runeshield – skull trophies and chains optional, of course.

Whether serving Archaon, Be’lakor, or attempting to forge their own destiny with a bit of help from one of the four ruinous powers, Slaves to Darkness armies will be looking better than ever this year.

Check back on Saturday when pre-orders open. Once you’ve painted them, you can share your creations on the Warhammer Twitter account. Sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter to find out what’s next for the Mortal Realms.

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