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  • Apocrypha Necromunda – Exotic Archeotech Comes to the Black Market in This Free Scenario

Apocrypha Necromunda – Exotic Archeotech Comes to the Black Market in This Free Scenario

Lady Haera Helmawr, the 13th trueborn daughter of Lord Gerontius Helmawr, has ascended to the throne of Necromunda while her father lays at death’s door in stasis. In Book 1 of the Aranthian Succession – Cinderak Burning – we learned that she got there by inviting her siblings to a lovely tea party… and then systematically slaughtering them over the hors d’ouevres.

The latest Apocrypha Necromunda tells the story of exactly how Lady Haera butchered six of her rivals. Owen from the Necromunda team is here to explain more about this epic showdown of esoteric tech and frenetic fratricide.

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Owen: Blood in the Spire places us in the heights of Hive Primus, in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on Lord Gerontius Helmawr. Lady Haera, in her infinite cunning, has invited her surviving siblings (her most deadly rivals) to a meeting of the trueborn heirs of Gerontius Helmawr.

In what comes as no surprise to anyone, it turns out to be a trap, and each of the siblings takes the chance to thin out the competition and put themselves just that little bit closer to becoming the new Lord of Necromunda.

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In addition to a new scenario, Necromundan Double-Cross, you will find rules and Black Market prices for some of the devastating archeotech weaponry employed by the spire nobility in their intra-familial struggles, including a personal holoprojector called a mirror aegis, psychofamile pheromones that can turn enemies into allies, and even a vortex grenade!* 

Thanks Owen. Blood in the Spire is available to download below. And remember, the second book in the Aranthian Succession cycle, Vaults of Temenos, is coming to pre-order very soon, alongside Lady Haera’s exquisite resin model. What fresh havoc will the Redemptionists unleash on the unsuspecting planet of Necromunda?

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* Warhammer Community does not endorse the use of a vortex grenade in family spats, gang brawls, or anywhere else.

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