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Cities of Sigmar – Who or What Exactly Are Gargoylians?

The Cities of Sigmar are populated by hard-worn men and women, defended by soldiers who march through mud and rain to do their duty – a stark contrast to the gleaming golden warriors, towering gargants, and sentient bone constructs they so-often encounter on the battlefield.

There is nothing banal about life in the Mortal Realms, and ever since Alarielle enacted the Rite of Life, peculiar little creatures known as Gargoylians have started to appear throughout the nooks and crannies of the Free Cities. You may have spotted them on various Cities of Sigmar miniatures, but what exactly are they?

AoS Gargoylians Aug07 Art

Gargoylians are chimeric critters of indeterminate origin, and theories abound as to their true nature. Some believe that they are drawn to the scent of faith and devotion – hence why they appear so often amidst congregations of pious Sigmarites. Others think they are miniature manifestations of the realms’ anger – and there’s a lot to be angry about – while others say they are related to the incarnates.

Regardless of the truth – and there’s a kernel of it in all three theories – there’s no denying that these are funky little mites… albeit a little disconcerting. When the gates rise and the trumpets sound, scurrying, cantering Gargoylians accompany the Dawnbringer Crusades and other warhosts mustered by the Cities of Sigmar. 

AoS Gargoylians Aug07 Minis2

Thanks to their plucky demeanour in the face of certain doom – not to mention their fierce hatred of Chaos, which sees them take any opportunity to tilt at daemons – the weirdness of the Gargoylians is tolerated by the downtrodden citizens. Freeguild troops often elevate them to the station of regimental mascots, and the Freeguild Command Corps even come with their own oversized Mascot Gargoylian, a piece of heraldic art come to life!

AoS Gargoylians Aug07 Mini

Dozens of these strange things can be found across the range, ranging from curious quadrupeds to bafflingly ambulatory shells. Whatever their origin and purpose, these cryptids are part and parcel of the Cities’ war efforts now – whether they appreciate it or not. 

Stick with Warhammer Community for further Cities of Sigmar news in the coming weeks.

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