The Daemon Primarch of Khorne cannot be contained by mortal means. If he is felled in battle, his blood frenzy brings him back to fighting strength in an instant, and if he is banished back to the warp, he will return in suspiciously specific time.
With his pre-order date coming up this weekend, the Red Angel has broken free, right into the hands of painters around the community. They have sacrificed many brushes and paint pots at the altar of Khorne, and now we can show you the stunning results.
Adam R
Angron is an iconic character, which means there’s no real need to think out of the box when painting. Adam from Siege Studios has gone with the classic crimson and brass look, picking out all the details extremely crisply and imbuing the Armour of Nuceria with a warm non-metallic metal style.*
Caleb Wissenback
Caleb from CK studios dips deeper into the reds, with an exquisite rendition of the Daemon Primarch that makes extensive use of blending and non-metallic metal techniques.* Large models like Angron are perfect for lavishing this kind of effort, creating a truly epic centrepiece.
Chris Wildman
Another classic Angron here, with lovely desaturated brass armour and a blasted sandy base brass that contrasts effectively with the rich reds used on the skin. The extra highlights on the face also help to draw the eye to a snarling focal point.
Drake Seta
Angron does little else but fight, and Drake from Battle Bunnies get this across with some expertly-executed heavy weathering – as well as a tasteful splattering of gore on Spinegrinder, and a glow effect on Samni’arus that you can almost feel the heat from.
Fletcher Giles
Fletcher from Tabletop Tactics has gone for a grim look, accentuating the ghoulish flesh with impactful splashes of red that contrast beautifully with the verdigris creeping across his weapons and armour. This Angron’s pale face is a striking callback to the Legion’s once-white armour.
J. F. Dubeau
Who says you need to use red? J. F.’s Angron provides another unique spin on the Primarch, using rich blue armour and ash-white skin to echo the pre-Heresy World Eaters livery – with some wonderful golden trim to tie it all together.
Jon from the Mob Rules Podcast shows how a few tweaks can help even a traditional colour scheme stand apart, with some highly burnished brass and much fleshier red skin providing a unique twist on a classic look.
Robert “The Chirurgeon” Jones
Rob from Goonhammer provides us with another classic scheme that hits hard with some bold colours and excellent brushwork. All of the skulls and teeth adorning Angron’s armour are picked out in a bright white, which helps break up the brassy surfaces.
Pete Harrison
And finally, there’s a fantastic (if heretical) “Daemon Leman Russ” from Pete. This seamless conversion makes use of a lot of details you might not see when Angron’s armour is attached – like all of those ports mentioned in the designer interview – to reimagine Leman Russ himself as a fallen hellbeast. Some sculpted fur and clever use of bits from other miniatures come together to give Angron a worthy opponent.
* Painting metal surfaces without using metallic paints.