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  • Strike Force Agastus – An Explosive Payload of Fantastic Miniatures by Community Painters

Strike Force Agastus – An Explosive Payload of Fantastic Miniatures by Community Painters

Strike Force Agastus is punching through the atmosphere and smashing right into pre-order territory this weekend, with new rocket-wielding Desolation Marines and the punchy Brutalis Dreadnought leading the charge.

We sent out some copies of Strike Force Agastus to our friends in the Warhammer painting community. They responded with a cornucopia of Primaris Lieutenants, Dreadnoughts, and Space Marines. We got an overwhelming number of responses and couldn’t include them all – so a huge thank-you to everyone who contributed.

Strike Force Agastus

40k PaintingAgastus MHerrington

Matthew Herrington from Goonhammer spoiled us by painting Strike Force Agastus as Salamanders.* A herculean effort in its own right, Matthew has also painted some excellent flame motifs. Bravo!

Brutalis Dreadnoughts

40k PaintingAgastus WHahn

Everybody loves a good Dreadnought, but Strike Force Agastus has proven that people really love Dreadnoughts that pummel foes with piston punches like giant mechanical boxers. 

Will Hahn’s Sons of Medusa Brutalis Dreadnought stood out with its vibrant colours and excellent weathering. In fact, the Brutalis captured the inspiration of many contributors. 

40k PaintingAgastus MHellstorm

Mikey from Hellstorm Wargaming treats us to a crisp Blood Ravens rendition, ready to use its claws to pilfer some sacred relics. Charlie Hall from Polygon and Jessica Smart have both painted their Dreadnoughts as Dark Angels, the former in the bone-coloured ceramite of the Deathwing. 

40k PaintingAgastus JHunter

Jack Hunter from Goonhammer has plumped for the Imperial Fists, while Mike St. Peter from Watch It Paint It prefers the Iron Hands – both riffing on a melee theme with appropriately named Chapters. Liam Howell has even added a few tasteful bits to give us a scorching hot Salamanders take. 

Primaris Lieutenants

40k PaintingAgastus SStone

Strike Force Agastus contains a brand new Primaris Lieutenant with an abundance of equipment, including the ever-popular power fist. Spencer Stone contributes a grimy, wartorn Ultramarine, while Tyler Mengel provides an alternate metallic take on the Howling Griffons. 

Our other contributors have delved into their bits boxes and used Chapter-specific upgrade kits to show how versatile the new Lieutenant can be. Campbell McLaughlin from Goonhammer adds the Aurillian Shroud, Máryse Ouellet upgrades their Dark Angel with a winged helm, while Darcy Bono gives her Executioners Lieutenant a massive axe.

Desolation Marines

40k PaintingAgastus Thor

The Adeptus Astartes do enjoy blowing things up, and the Desolation Marines provide even more ways to eradicate enemy armour and infantry. Thor Intararangson has taken his Sergeant with vengor launcher to the next level with some immaculately rendered armour 

Vincent Knotley has taken the opportunity to paint a wide selection of Successor Chapters with massive rocket launchers, while Adam R from Siege Studios has given us a gorgeous Marines Malevolent Desolator Sergeant.

You’ll be able to paint your very own Brutalis Dreadnought and Desolation Marines shortly, when Strike Force Agastus goes on pre-order tomorrow. When you’ve finished the box, share your painting on the Warhammer Community Twitter and Facebook pages.

* Strike Force Agastus also comes with five Heavy Intercessors to round out the number of models to 17.

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