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  • Strike a dark bargain with renowned Slaves to Darkness regiments and armies

Strike a dark bargain with renowned Slaves to Darkness regiments and armies

The Slaves to Darkness are a force to be reckoned with in their own right – but they’re also allies of convenience for all the forces of Chaos. Between Archaon, Be’lakor, and the many vainglorious lords beneath them, the rewards are great for an ambitious sell-sword.

Two new Regiments of Renown and an Army of Renown in Battletome: Slaves to Darkness provide ample opportunity to unite the diverse legions of Chaos. Take Lord Skaldior’s Chosen: loyal to the Everchosen, they rove the lands doing his bidding while fighting alongside the faithful of Khorne, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, and even the forces of The Great Horned Rat.

Sworn to fight in eerie silence by some oath to Skaldior, a mounted Chaos Lord, this cohort of five Chaos Knights and 10 Chaos Warriors are Ironclad Despoilers, benefiting from +1 to their save rolls while contesting objectives you control and +1 to wound rolls while contesting an objective you do not control.

Only a handful of the most formidable warriors can climb the heady heights of the Path to Glory and achieve daemonhood. When one such individual manages this unlikely feat, they may find themselves petitioned by the Ruinous Powers. A Godmarked Ascendent is a boon to any of the armies of the four Dark Gods, taking on a faction keyword, and revelling in the associated Gifts of Chaos, including extra attacks, sorcerous powers, resilience, and speed.

Always in the shadows, Be’lakor has now amassed enough power to play his own game with the Ruinous Powers. His Legion of the First Prince has a wide roster, including eight daemon units (which have warscrolls in the battletome): Bloodletters, Bloodcrushers, Screamers and Flamers of Tzeentch, Plaguebearers, Beasts of Nurgle, Fiends and Hellflayers.

The First-Damned Prince is more than happy to use them as inhuman shields, gaining a Ward (4+) and the ability to pass damage off to these infernal hordes. The Dark Master can Bestow Favour to his followers improving their Control score and granting increased resilience.

He even has a Spell Lore rooted in shadowy manipulation. Casting Shroud in Darkness lets a unit move up to d6” as long as they don’t end in combat, and it obscures them to any unit more than 12” away. Sometimes direct damage and a Dark Cantrip can inflict harm to up to three targets, and a cabal of Chaos Sorcerer lords all casting this Unlimited spell can become truly devastating.

This can all be found in Battletome Slaves to Darkness, which is available for pre-order on Saturday. Next, we’ll be finding out how the Darkoath do battle in Spearhead.