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Chalnath Dispatches – At All Costs

>>> High Strategos Transcript 985/UFY/001

>>> Data-Conclave-Triertium/Rho/Nihil/Chal

>>> Astrogatum Localus [REDACTED]

>>> Classification: Crimson

>>> Transcriptus: Lexmechanic Greff Pusilanimance 

>>> Excerpt 011-4 > 026-3

>>> Excerpt Inloading… Excerpt Inloading… Excerpt Inloading…

> Extract Orientation Exload
> Location: [REDACTED]

> Present: Lord Marshal Artor Kandathor [sub-file War Zone Chalnath senior command personnel appended] / General Jolens Keigh [sub-file Chalnath Expanse senior command personnel appended] / Rear Admiral Zethwyn Chellon-de-Gause [sub-file War Zone Chalnath senior command personnel appended] / Stratego-Primary [REDACTED] [sub-file purged]

> Extract Commences…

> General Keigh: <reading from dataslate, vocal patterns suggest suppressed emotional strain> Further to previous strategic inloads from [SOURCES REDACTED] I am therefore forced to conclude that the Kessandras System is now directly threatened by T’au forces pushing out from what strategos have translated as their ‘Startide Nexus’. This latest threat comes upon the heels of xenos invasions of the Thaxaril, Pekun and Barolyr Systems, amongst others. Full data-inloads of the developing situation can be found in the appended files that I would suggest– 

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: <vocal patterns elevated throughout excerpt> I don’t have time for a required reading list, General! Give me a concise summation. What’s at risk here? 

> General Keigh: I – ahem – well, Lord Marshal, the Kessandras System carries considerable strategic and military value, especially when one considers the fragmented nature of the wider conflict within the Chalnath Expanse, the entire region lying well within the Imperium Nihilus. Should the T’au succeed in gaining a tangible foothold within the Kessandras System, then there are a number of– 

> Rear Admiral Chellon-de-Gause: Volkus, Lord Marshal. We stand to lose Volkus and the Alpha Asset along with it. And frankly, unless the God-Emperor is inclined to send us a miracle, I see precious little hope of any other outcome. 

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: <vocalisation volume suggests extreme agitation> Throne in flames! Volkus? How long were you going to dither over your accursed slates before you admitted that, eh? Absolutely unacceptable.

> Rear Admiral Chellon-de-Gause: Without Volkus there is no Alpha Asset, and without that we risk losing the entire Kessandras System. 

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: Don’t tell me what I already know, tell me what you intend to do about it! Keigh, what about the 46th Task Force? 

<<13.6 second gap in vocalisations. Background noise of hasty operation of multiple dataslates>> 

> General Keigh: <vocal patterns indicative of heightened discomfort> They – ah – here, the 46th Task Force were diverted to Astorgius and – hm – no, my apologies Lord Marshal, last report has them heavily invested in ongoing operations around the Sajitaryan Fields. They look to have suffered heavy losses.

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: Emperor give me strength. What about High Tribune Luvardis’ lot?

> General Keigh: Regrettably, Lord Marshal, High Tribune Luvardis and her entire command were – hm – yes, they were caught up in the Muliga Refinery incident. Catastrophic losses, I’m afraid, likely one hundred percent. 

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: <vocal pattern suppressed, suggestive of menace> Well, what about the 86th Army Group? They were placed on reserve in the Kessandras System for just such an eventuality, were they not?

<<6.4 second gap in vocalisations. Background noise of further dataslate operation>> 

> General Keigh: They were, Lord Marshal. 

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: …but?

> General Keigh: Due to adverse astropathic interference, the 86th are currently out of communication. I am told it is due to the, um – well, to spare you the details, Lord Marshal, we are attempting to regain contact but it has so far cost us three Astropaths. Efforts are ongoing but– 

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: Rear Admiral? Come on Chellon-de-Gause, you must have something. We cannot afford to lose the Kessandras System, the Emperor expects! 

> Rear Admiral Chellon-de-Gause: <vocal patterns defensive> Out of the question, Lord Marshal. The xenocult sabotage at [REDACTED] shipyards cost us two cruisers. The [REDACTED] warp channel has all but collapsed and the empyrean churns like a damned cauldron. Without the light of the Astronomican to guide us, we cannot commit a flotilla of sufficient size to counter the T’au threat to Volkus. The risks would simply be too high. 

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: <background vox pickup detects the Lord Marshal’s clenched fist striking his holo-lectern repeatedly> Too high? By the God-Emperor, we have a holy duty to defend this region against the pernicious aggression of these xenos filth! If we lose Volkus then we lose the Alpha Asset, do you understand? That cannot be allowed to happen.

> Stratego-Primary [REDACTED]: Lord Marshal, there might be a way.

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: Well? Don’t just lurk in the damned shadows! Out with it! 

> Stratego-Primary [REDACTED]: I should warn you, my lord, this will jeopardise the ongoing campaign on the agri world of Wyldreach. That will in turn risk severe interruption of food supplies to the Satyag frontier worlds. 

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: Understood. Get on with it. 

> General Keigh: <vocal patterns agitated> Lord Marshal, are you certain?

<<4.5 second gap in vocalisations. Non-verbal communication between Lord Marshal Kandathor and General Keigh.>>

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: I am waiting, Stratego-Primary. 

> Stratego-Primary [REDACTED]: We could pull [CODE PHRASE OVERLAY DRAKUS FEROCITOR] out of Operation Vortex. Tempestor Magnificat Westren has a one hundred percent combat effectiveness record. Her forces only just committed to the war on Wyldreach and could be rapidly extracted with minimal disruption. 

> General Keigh: <vocal patterns strained> Minimal disruption? Throne alive, what about the agri world? What about the…

<<4 second gap in vocalisations. Background noise of further dataslate operation>> 

> General Keigh: <vocal patterns strained> The 199th Mordian Heavy Infantry and the 767th Vitruvial Lancers? They’ve been clinging on for thirty-nine cycles, crying out for reinforcement. Are we really going to rip their saviours away again so quickly? Morale will collapse! 

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: Stratego-Primary, can you guarantee me that [CODE PHRASE OVERLAY DRAKUS FEROCITOR] are capable of securing the Alpha Asset against the T’au? 

> Stratego-Primary [REDACTED]: Not to put too fine a point on it, Lord Marshal, but they are veritable living weapons, every last one of them. Fanatics, brutal, utterly without mercy, and trained and equipped to the highest standard. Their transport vessels are still in orbit over Wyldreach and their shipmasters will gladly brave the fiercest warp currents if it means seeing the God-Emperor’s will made manifest. You give the order, and [CODE PHRASE OVERLAY DRAKUS FEROCITOR] will see them fulfilled with the maximum possible enemy bloodshed. 

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: Then it is so-given. 

> General Keigh: Lord Marshal, I really must protest! The agri world– 

> Lord Marshal Kandathor: Let those it fed subsist upon their faith! Such should be sustenance enough for any loyal servant of the God-Emperor. Solutions, General, not excuses! [CODE PHRASE OVERLAY DRAKUS FEROCITOR] will redeploy to Volkus with immediate effect. Its importance is paramount. Let them darken the skies above the Alpha Asset and purge our foes without mercy! 

> Stratego-Primary [REDACTED]: In the Emperor’s name, Lord Marshal. 

> Rear Admiral Chellon-de-Gause: In the Emperor’s name. 

> General Keigh: In the Emperor’s name. <subvocalisation> And Throne help us all.

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