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Free Age of Sigmar Warscrolls for the Hunters of Huanchi and the Jade Obelisk

Things are about to get much bloodier in the Gnarlwood. The next Warcry expansion hits pre-order this Saturday, and it brings an ascetic sect of beast-slaying vampire monks into conflict with a baying horde of Khornate murder-cultists. 

But that’s not it for Warcry goodies this week – two other warbands are getting their first standalone release. Make way for the silent-but-deadly Hunters of Huanchi and the idolatrous Jade Obelisk.

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Tzeentchian cultists with a penchant for defacing the idols of their enemies, the Jade Obelisk hail from the great jade citadel of Nephricar. These poor souls were abandoned by Sigmar during the Age of Chaos and fell prey to an enigmatic entity known as the Speaker in the Stone.

The Speaker’s will is embodied in the crystal-born Idolarcs that accompany their warbands. Any enemy fighters caught in the enervating Gaze of the Idolarc will soon have their hearts ripped out by the cult.

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However, the same curse that slowly turns the cult’s bodies into stone provides a formidable boon in Warhammer Age of Sigmar. Their Stone-cursed Resolve turns aside enemy blows by providing them with unmodifiable save rolls of 4+.

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You can download their warscroll for free right here.

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Their sworn enemies are also arriving for pre-order. The Chameleon Skinks of the Hunters of Huanchi are fragile but slippery skirmishers who are particularly tough to pin down. When the giant void-ship Eye of Chotec crashed into Ghur, its Saurus and Kroxigor spawning pools were damaged beyond repair, leaving this resourceful warband to defend the Old Ones’ treasures.

In Warcry, these scampering skinks are Hit and Run experts who use their perplexing camouflage to disorientate enemy warbands, repositioning with a swiftness that frustrates foes twice their strength and size.

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In games of Warhammer Age of Sigmar, one Hunters of Huanchi Warband can be built as two units of five armed with dartpipes or starstone bolas or one reinforced unit of 

10, all armed with dartpipes and they use their natural camouflage and cold-blooded intellect to ensnare their foes in a Chameleon Ambush.

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They are a fitting advance party while the Slann Starmasters manifest the rest of their allies – and you can download their warscroll for free below.

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Pre-order both of these warbands on Saturday – when you’ll also be able to bathe in the gore-soaked Bloodhunt box.

Update: The Warscrolls available for download on this page were released before the latest Battlescroll for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, which altered the points values of these units. Please refer to the Battlescroll for their current points.

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