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Three More Reasons to Be Terrified of the Parasite of Mortrex

40k TYR FactionHeaderAfter the Parasite of Mortrex was officially unveiled earlier in the month, the Ordo Xenos have been desperately examining this beastie’s gruesome datasheet. We’ve already talked about its predilection for implanting eggs into enemy soldiers, but here are three more reasons why this creepy creature should be a staple in your Hive Fleet tendril.

ParasiteOfMortrex Mar31 ParasiteTerrain2

The newest Tyranid on the block may not be a mighty MONSTER, but it boasts a host of insidious abilities that can hinder enemy units and wreak utter carnage on your opponent’s battle plans. 

We’ve already touched on its signature ability, Parasitic Infection, which allows it to infect unfortunate foes, but the Parasite of Mortrex is more than just a barbed ovipositor – it can be a team player, too. The SYNAPSE keyword not only allows it to command allied swarms, but also offers you a unique Synaptic Imperative ability

ParasiteOfMortrex Mar31 SwiftOnslaught

While Swift Onslaught is active, every critter within range of a friendly SYNAPSE beast can surge forward even further when piling in and consolidating. Paired with the new Swarming Masses ability, this Synaptic Imperative will allow you to envelop your enemies in a chitinous tide – all while the Parasite of Mortrex lurks anywhere on the board.

ParasiteOfMortrex Mar31 ParasiteTerrain

With the FLY keyword and an impressive Move characteristic of 16”, trying to escape the Parasite of Mortrex is like trying to outpace a jetbike on foot. This sinuous agility also makes it immensely hard to hit – whether you’re winding up with a giant fly swatter or aiming the galaxy’s largest can of bug spray – as shown by its Shadow Hunter ability.

ParasiteOfMortrex Mar31 ShadowHunter

The Parasite doesn’t need a shrouding cloud of choking spores to penalise enemy hit rolls, and even legendary leaders like the new Autarch won’t be able to inspire their troops to re-roll a miss. Even better, the Parasite’s INFANTRY keyword allows it to slink around in cover for a bonus to its saving throws – before flying right over the same terrain that kept it hidden. 

Expiravis larvum* won’t be alone when it lurks in the shadows of an abandoned Imperial outpost. The hungry Ripper Swarms born from this creature’s disgusting reproductive cycle are also getting a buff in the new codex, thanks to the Burrow and Squirm ability.

ParasiteOfMortrex Mar31 BurrowSquirm

Your Ripper Swarms will now find it even easier to hide in light cover, meaning you’ll be able to save wounds inflicted by a volley of boltgun rounds or lasgun shots on a 4+. Who’d have thought a living carpet of ankle-biters would be so hard to blast out of their hidey-holes? 

Whether your enemies are being pounced on from cover, infested with squirming Rippers, or swarmed by lesser gribblies following their Synaptic Imperative, the Parasite of Mortrex offers a constant barrage of speedy, sneaky surprises. Plus, it just looks delightfully disgusting. How can you say no to that face?

ParasiteOfMortrex Mar31 ParasiteArt

Codex: Tyranids arrives for pre-order very soon, alongside the Parasite of Mortrex and new Combat Patrol. Sign up to our newsletter to stay fully up to date on all the latest grisly Tyranid news.

* As the Magos Biologi refer to it. Nerds.

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