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Warhammer 40,000 Metawatch – Storming Into 10th Edition

By now you should have the monstrous Warhammer 40,000 Leviathan launch box in your possession, alongside all the datasheets, army rules, and points values you need to get cracking with the scorching new edition of the game.

But did you think that was it for the edition? Think again – there is loads more in the pipeline, including plenty of stuff for the competitive tournament scene. WarhammerTV presenter Nick met Warhammer 40,000 studio supremo Stu and Head of Events Mike for a wide-ranging chat about what’s in store for your favourite game.

That’s plenty to get your teeth into, including quarterly points updates and a new Balance Dataslate every six months – while some errata for the Index Cards are coming in July. Then there’s also the small matter of the Leviathan Tournament Companion, which the guys spend a while discussing. This is the last word on matched play in the new edition.

40k LeviathanTournamentPack DownloadButton

Other Key Documents

A few other documents were mentioned in the video that you should be aware of. The first of these contains the initial balance updates that will launch in early July, seeking to address some of the early imbalances that have emerged in the new armies. Chief among these will be changes to Fate dice used by the Aeldari, and forms of indirect fire.

These are updates made for balance purposes – to keep the game fun for all – and we plan to revisit rules in this way with quarterly points updates, and rules updates every six months.

We’re also expecting a wider errata for all the new game content later in July. With 1,000 or more units and hundreds of pages of brand-new rules across 24 factions now in the wild, and thousands of games already played globally, a few more odd typos and niche interactions have been spotted, and we’d like to get them cleared up.

If you picked up a convenient deck of printed Index cards for your army, you’ll also want a quick read of this download. It’s the errata for the decks, to bring them in line with the digital versions you can find in the 40k app and the digital Indexes, covering a handful of known errors on the cards.

DownloadErrata Button

Metawatch will return to Warhammer Age of Sigmar next week, where the team will be unpacking the new General’s Handbook and investigating the intended effect on the balance of power in the Mortal Realms. 

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