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Community Painters Deliver Spiffy Renditions of Farsight and Snikrot

Blades, knives, swords of dubious provenance – weapons of this nature are well loved in the 41st Millennium, a time when bringing any kind of sharp object to a gunfight might not be as bad an idea as first it sounds.

Boss Snikrot and Commander Farsight are each bringing their own brand of close-quarters combat to bear in tomorrow’s pre-orders. Some lucky painters from the community got a chance to unleash their own weapons of choice – mostly paintbrushes – on these new miniatures.

As ever, a huge thank-you to everyone who took part.

Jack Hunter

Jack Hunter

First up is Jack from Goonhammer, who treats us to an extremely shiny, candy-red Commander Farsight. O’Shovah must have sprung for the deluxe wax option on his Supernova battlesuit…

Matthew Herrington

Matthew from Goonhammer has done double-duty and painted both Boss Snikrot and Farsight, making great use of blue and orange accent colours.

Jason Stanyer

Jason Stanyer

As a fan of close-combat, Farsight isn’t going to keep a white battlesuit in pristine condition for long, but Jason from Sprues and Brews has done a wonderful job with this Vior’la Sept scheme.

Matt Crowther

Matt Crowther

On the other side of the divide, Matt from Sprues and Brews has painted a lovely Snikrot, ready to face off against his Dawn Blade-wielding opponent. Speaking of which…

Adam Fasoldt

Adam Fasoldt

Adam from Masters of the Forge took the inspired approach of placing these two deadly duellists into a dynamic diorama.

Chris Frosin

Chris Frosin

Snikrot fought for years in the sweltering heat of Armageddon’s equatorial jungles, and Chris catches the vibe perfectly with a grimy take on the big boss Kommando.

Mike St. Peter

Mike St Peter

You can’t go wrong with the classic colours for a character as iconic as Farsight, and Mike from Watch It Paint It has provided a great rendition of the Farsight Enclaves.



The only thing sneaker than Snikrot is Snikrot with purple warpaint from Lachlan at Objective Secured. Those lines are perfect for helping to break up his bulky silhouette because purple is the stealthiest colour, right?

Izzy Sanchez

Izzy Sanchez

Izzy from Tabletop Titans has gone the distance with Farsight, kitbashing the miniature into a majestic floating pose that just screams “try me” and painted them with incredible attention to detail – we especially love the freehand markings.

Craig Sniffen

Craig Sniffen

Craig from Goonhammer gives us a Snikrot covered in camo shapes, all totally necessary to ensure that this masterful Ork assassin isn’t seen until the last possible moment.

Dylan Gould

Dylon Gould

On the other hand, who needs camo? Camo is for cowards, and Dylan from Goonhammer opts to give Boss Snikrot some bright-red statement trousers. Maybe they make him run faster?

Peter Harrison

Peter Harrison

And finally, Pete the Wargamer has used Snikrot as the basis for his own kustom painboss, with a gnarly mechanical hand and a power klaw seemingly salvaged from some other unlucky orks.

You can pre-order Boarding Patrol Orks and Boarding Patrol T’au Empire tomorrow – they’re only place to get either Farsight or Snikrot’s new models for a while before they get a separate release. Share your progress with us on the Warhammer Twitter page.

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