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  • Warhammer Reveal – Skabbik’s Plaguepack Come to Corrupt the Wyrdhollow

Warhammer Reveal – Skabbik’s Plaguepack Come to Corrupt the Wyrdhollow

Deep in Wyrdhollow lies a vast and roiling well of shifting magic, lodged in the gullet of Ghur. The scent of power wafting off the numerous relics and artefacts swallowed by the realm has even drawn the twitching snouts of the Skaven to delve deeper into this dangerous place, so that they may exploit it in service of the Great Horned Rat.

Skabbik’s Plaguepack are a group of disease worshippers from the Clans Pestilens – malodorous monks known for their terrifying fanaticism and poor hygiene, even amongst the fairly foetid Skaven. They believe that a key ingredient to one of the 13 Great Plagues can be found in the Wyrdhollow, and will stop at nothing to seize it, complete their brew, and turn great tracts of the Mortal Realms into a paradise of rotten mulch.

Skabbik Plagueseeker leads his minions Rabidius Skench, Itchitt, Poxlix, Rikkit, and the adorable rat Skritter in a quest to find this rancid reagent of rumour. These rats are so noisome that their top fighters bear the befouler keyword, staggering fighters adjacent to them at the start of each round.

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Skaven are schemers and backstabbers through and through, and Skabbik is no stranger to plans within plans, conjuring up a pestilential Plot Card for his Plaguepack to adhere to. 

These rotten rodents can make a territory Corrupted by having two or more friendly fighters inside it, or by seating a befouler on an objective in that territory. If two or more territories are Corrupted, then all of Skabbik’s Plaguepack becomes Inspired.* 

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There are plenty of odious Objectives that the Plaguepack can score. Infected Corpse Pile requires two territories to be Corrupted and fed with the bodies of two out-of-action opponents, while the aptly-named Befouled simply needs a befouler to take out an enemy fighter – the perfect invitation to slam Rabidius’ rusty Plague Censer into someone’s face for three damage.

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These Skaven have plenty of Ploys up their rot-matted sleeves. Move-Move! helps this nimble but fragile warband avoid danger and corrupt territories. Pestilent Blessing adds Grievous 1 to any close-up attacks, but can also make your minion into a befouler – perfect for Itchitt or Poxlix. Skabbik’s Plaguepack can even make the best of a bad situation with a (definitely intentional and willing) Glorious Sacrifice, letting a fighter corrupt territory or gain glory when taken out of action.

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If things do start to go askew, and Skabbik is taken out, the Skaven attitude toward the chain of command means that Itchitt can simply become the Voice of the Great Corruptor. He’ll convince his new followers he was the one in charge all along, with the added bonus of being able to corrupt territory with an action.

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Skabbik’s Plaguepack will be here to spread their poxes soon. Catch up with the rest of today’s reveals right here.

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* Quick Warhammer Underworlds refresher – the three territories in a game consist of the hexes on your board, the hexes on your opponent’s board, and the hexes made when both boards are joined.

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