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World Championships Preview – Orikan Divines a Crusade-Filled Future in the Pariah Nexus

The ancient Necrons put much stock in the arts of mysticism and astromancy, and among its practitioners none are as notorious as Orikan the Diviner. He made his first appearance over a decade ago in the 5th edition of Warhammer 40,000, and now a new miniature is finally written in the stars.

This cantankerous Cryptek has an unmatched command over the arts of prediction and prophecy, and in the rare occasions where his divinations prove inaccurate, he employs secretive chronomantic skills to go back in time and ‘nudge’ events in the right direction.*

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Orikan is just one of the characters set to appear in the next narrative supplement, Crusade: Pariah Nexus. This becalmed region of space has already been the site of one grand campaign so far, and the Silent King is redoubling his efforts as the Indomitus Crusade pushes legions of Guardsmen, Battle Sisters, and Space Marines into its disquieting depths. 

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The portents of an upcoming catastrophe are so dire that Orikan declines an audience with Szarekh, and the Silent King’s former astrologer doesn’t need to wait long before the first flickers of that apocalyptic flame appear. The Adeptus Mechanicus – led by Belisarius Cawl – have brought some of their most fearsome technological relics to the Pariah Nexus, and an all-out maelstrom of unrestrained destruction is sure to follow.

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Like Crusade: Tyrannic War before it, this new expansion for Warhammer 40,000 contains loads of content for your narrative Crusade campaigns, challenging your armies with 15 missions and unboxing a treasure trove of upgrades as they score victories against their rivals. 

This book is also an essential stop for loremasters keeping up to date on the most recent events of the 41st Millennium, with important characters from across the galaxy pitching in to make their mark on the Nephilim Sector, and more than one unexpected turn throwing carefully laid plans into turmoil. 

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There are loads more reveals to see from the World Championships Preview Online today, and our recent divinations tell us that you’re going to love them. Hit the button below and you’ll be back at our hub page in one tick of the clock.

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* A talent he used to great effect in his aeons-long feud with Trazyn the Infinite.

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