Trailed by clouds of dust the Gitmob races across the plains of the Mortal Realms to sack and pillage all before them, while in the subterranean environments of Warhammer Underworlds their clammy-skinned kin are on the hunt for glory in this week’s Sunday Preview. Make sure you’ve got credits to spare, because there’s a whole sector’s worth of mooks and mercs to hire in Necromunda, and an Empire of Man Made to Order run.

Gloomspite Gitz: Gitmob Army Set
Not every grot lives in gloom, and some have been forced to adapt to life under the searing tyranny of the Glareface Frazzlegit. The Gitmob have even turned that blinding light into a way to power magical metal weapons, chasing the sun across the realms and causing chaos in its wake.*

The Gitmob Army Set contains wolf-riding head honcho Droggz da Sunchompa, two units of Snarlpack Cavalry, and two Sunsteala Wheelas. It’s also the first place you can get Battletome: Gloomspite Gitz, packed with rules and lore and featuring the Evil Sun itself on its unique cover art. You also get a set of warscroll cards which cover your faction rules, two Regiments of Renown and Armies of Renown, Spearhead rules, and all 43 warscolls for your army.**

Borgit's Beastgrabbaz

While the overground Gitmob grots are boldly racing into battle, a furtive group of clammy gitz are intent on infiltrating the tunnels beneath Embergard to hunt things fleeing the Skaven invasion of Aqshy. Along with Uglug the Troggoth, and a pair of grots pretending to be a pet squig, Borgit Wolf-killa has more than a few trump cards up his mildewed sleeve.
Borgit’s Beastgrabbaz is a Flex Warband with a focus on delving to inspire fighters and ganging up on their biggest looking enemies.*
Edge of the Knife Rivals Deck

These new grots are accompanied by a brand new Flex playstyle Rivals deck, Edge of the Knife. This deck is perfect for those who love to play cunning and risky, balancing their victory on, well… a knife’s edge. You can pair this deck with any warband, but thanks to the tempered mechanic, it works especially well with larger warbands.*

House Ko’iron Ministorum Delegation

House Ko’iron are the most pious of the noble houses on Necromunda – the very picture of the Imperial Creed. Of course, this being Necromunda, little is ever as it seems, and this show of faith is generally little more than skin deep. Nevertheless, House Ko’iron delegations are often found in an alliance with House Cawdor, sending a Prima Materis and two Frateris Bodyguards to bring light to the darkness… and kick profit upstairs. Alternatively, you can head out into the wastes and use them as a basis of an Outcast gang. All three miniatures are made of Forge World resin.
House Ty Onmyodo Coven

House Ty are certainly the most psychic of the great houses, and arguably the most mysterious. Their Onmyodo Covens act both as envoys and spies for the Imperial House Helmawr, regularly descending into the underhive on secret missions, always as two, working as a syncretic psychic whole: Telepath and Null. They may also be used as the basis of an Outcast gang, and are made of Forge World resin.
Heretek and Servo Skulls, Cadaver Merchant and ‘Narker

Two sets of Hangers-on also arrive, a Heretek and his Servo Skulls, and a Cadaver Merchant and ‘Narker. The former will soup up your guns with forbidden technology before battle, while the latter will ensure your gangers’ deaths are not in vain (by selling them) and offer key information on forthcoming scenarios. Both sets are made of Forge World resin.
Abyssal Ferrymen

Madryc Helbane and Lugrun are two Dramatis Personae who transport gangs across the Secundan Abyss so they can plunder the depths. Handy fighters in their own right, this pair can even offer a free Medical Escort action on campaign.
Servant of the Silent Ones

Best not to think too much about this beastie, a House Agent for House Delaque said to be built of memory, plasteel and genetic scraps. Whatever it is and whatever it does, it is not something you want to meet in a dark underhive on a cold night…

Empire of Man Made to Order
More reinforcements are ready to sally forth from the city-states of the Empire in order to quash internal strife, strengthen borders, and drive back enemy forces. First up is the War Wagon, a classic kit that has been remastered in Forge World resin with updated details and new horses. It also comes with a brand new Engineer miniature armed with a Hochland long rifle.

In metal, you’ll be able to pick up a series of true classics – the General of the Empire on Griffon, Commander of the Empire on Pegasus, a set of Commanders of the Empire, Empire Battle Standard Bearer, and a set of three Empire Engineers. These products will be available Made to Order from 10am local time Saturday 1st of February 2025, through to 6pm GMT on Sunday the 9th of February, and can take up to 180 days to ship.

Orruk Warclans Dice Set

Embolden your orruks with the power of the Waaagh! courtesy of this pack of 16 themed dice. Each is green with yellow pips, and features the Orruk Warclans logo on the six face – the perfect accessory regardless of whether you’re a brutal follower of Gork or a kunnin’ disciple of Mork.


Gotrek’s all-important Fyreslayer rune is beginning to wane, and the cantankerous Slayer has made his way to the industrial smog of Greywater Fastness in an attempt to get answers. But deep below the city, a cabal of Skaven Warlocks are building something ominous that they hope will place them in the history books of skavendom forevermore. Verminslayer by David Guymer will be available to pre-order in hardback, eBook and audiobook formats.
French and German Novels

French and German readers can look out for more Horus Heresy omnibus books. In French, The Horus Heresy Collection XV brings together the Shattered Legions anthology, The Crimson King by Graham McNeill, and Tallarn by John French in both hardback and eBook formats. German fans of the epic series can look forward to the Siege of Terra: Omnibus II, which pairs The First Wall by Gav Thorpe with Saturnine by Dan Abnett in paperback and eBook formats.

Warhammer TV has another trio of shows incoming, with a high-octane Ork Destrukshun Derby episode of Arena of Death, as four ork clans race their kustom vehicles around an arena attempting to bolt on upgrades in real time and blast their opponents to smithereens.

Loremasters is on hand to teach you everything you need to know about the shinestealin’ Gitmobs ahead of the army box being made available to pre-order. On Citadel Colour Masterclass you can learn all about how to paint the Death Korps of Krieg in both the iconic blue of the 83rd Infantry Regiment and the green of the 261st Siege Regiment. Also, join the painting team at 6pm GMT on Tuesday the 28th of January for a special edition of Hang Out and Paint focussed around New Year New Challenge.
Meanwhile on Warhammer Community service resumes with a reveal on Monday, and we’ll be ignoring all medical advice to the contrary and gazing right up at the Glareface Frazzlegit and the Bad Moon to see what words of wisdom they have for us about the impending arrival of the Gloompsite Gitz.
* These products are delayed in Japan.
** Previous images of this box set showed the battletome with gold foil – that was just a trick of the Glareface Frazzle git.