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  • White Dwarf 509 – Take Knights into Combat Patrol and forge heroes on the Anvil of Apotheosis

White Dwarf 509 – Take Knights into Combat Patrol and forge heroes on the Anvil of Apotheosis

We’re already a month into 2025, and the pace is only speeding up, as White Dwarf gets mechanical and sends titanic war machines into Combat Patrol while engines rev for the second part of the Car Show. The grinding tracks of attritional warfare rumble over the horizon with the Death Korps of Krieg, and new heroes are forged upon a mystical anvil. Let’s see what’s in issue 509.

The Imperial and Chaos Knights earn new Combat Patrol rules featuring pairs of Armigers and War Dogs. The sheer strength and durability of these towering war machines makes piloting them a remarkably different gameplay experience compared to regular Combat Patrols, and to account for their low numbers, they play missions in their own special way. Both the Armiger Trailblazers and the Slaughter Talon score points from their own specific objectives – ignoring the normal primary and secondary objectives – but to find out what they are, you’ll need to read the issue.

The newly released Death Korps of Krieg are in the spotlight with a pair of fascinating features. We start by examining the background lore and organisation behind their famous siege regiments. We then zoom in on the Krieg 143rd Infantry Regiment, led by the heroic Lord Marshal Varnan Dreir, and find out what makes it one of the most effective fighting forces in their highly regarded world.

Then, the ’Eavy Metal team go in-depth on how they painted the glorious miniatures seen on the box art, talking colour schemes, iconography, and weathering. If you’ve ever wondered how to make your miniatures look like they’ve been stuck in a muddy hole for years on end, this is the article you won’t want to miss.

In the Mortal Realms, we return to the Anvil of Apotheosis rules found in the battletomes and find out what kinds of awesome narrative characters can be made, by taking five converted miniatures and giving them new life on the battlefield. Chaos, Skaven, Orruks and a Stormcast Eternal all get the hero treatment, showing off how these intricate conversions can add some real personal flair to your narrative Path to Glory campaigns.

There is still loads more to see inside, from the madcap Car Show with its own Street Racing rules to miniatures showcases featuring the Sons of Horus and some delightfully retro Necromunda gangs. We even dive into the fundamental truths of the worlds of Warhammer with Colin from the Warhammer 40,000 team, from tactics and motivations to colours and psychology. Fun stuff!

You can pre-order your copy on the 8th of February, but if you sign up for a 12-month subscription instead, you’ll get special full-art cover issues delivered right to your door – while saving money compared with buying them individually!

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