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  • A Hulking New Orruk Boss Leads the Charge Into the Nova Open Previews

A Hulking New Orruk Boss Leads the Charge Into the Nova Open Previews

Recently there’s been a stink of humans wafting around the Mortal Realms. The regular folk in their cities have been bragging about Castelite formations, starved-looking Ogors have been seen carrying weedy snipers in little towers on their backs, and Cavaliers have been strutting around on twig-legged horses. 

It’s enough to make a Mega-gargant cry – after all, it’s supposed to be the Era of the Beast! Mightiest is rightiest, and who’s da biggest and da ’ardest of them all? Who’s killed the mostest? There’s only one good answer, and it’s Ironjawz. Any arguments? You’ll have to answer to the Ardboy Big Boss.

Armed with a savage boss-hacka and choppa, and just enough Morkish know-how to browbeat his rampaging orruk underlings into a disciplined killing machine, the Ardboy Big Boss is large, and very much in charge.

AoS ArdboyBigBoss Aug21 Image1With one of these muscled veterans at the helm of an Ironjawz force, those surly greenskins become a colossal fist of muscle and armour ready to smash aside even the most entrenched army. When they do eventually join the battle lines, all semblance of strategy leaves their head and they are swept up by the bone-shattering violence around them.

AoS ArdboyBigBoss Aug21 Image2The Ardboy Big Boss is just a sign of things to come – there will be even more brutal reveals coming straight to Warhammer Community from the NOVA Open, which will be happening on Wednesday the 30th of August, or early on Thursday the 31st of August depending on your time zone.

This massive preview will cover Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, The Horus Heresy, Blood Bowl, Warhammer Underworlds, Warcry, and The Old World, making it a must-see for everyone.

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More details on what to expect from the NOVA Open will be coming to Warhammer Community soon, but fans of towering green Orruks are sure to be well served.

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