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  • The Cities of Sigmar Deploy Battlefield Buddies Combining Firepower and Ogor Power

The Cities of Sigmar Deploy Battlefield Buddies Combining Firepower and Ogor Power

It is a long-held tenet of warfare that whoever holds the high ground has the advantage. Generals benefit from an aetherwing’s-eye view of the battlefield, sharpshooters can fire over the heads of the doughty front line, and cavalry can thunder downhill with terrifying momentum. 

But what is a commander to do when fighting across an empty sprawl of barren wastes or the endless tundras of Andtor, without even a minor outcrop to stand atop in a suitably heroic manner? This isn’t a problem for the Cities of Sigmar – they just bring the high ground with them.


The inspired combination of a keen-eyed gunner, a hulking ogor, and an elevated firing platform was first pioneered in Greywater Fastness, where the sprawling swamps of Ghoul Mere made heavy artillery nearly impossible to deploy. Now, a Fusil-Major on Ogor Warhulk stands at each corner of every Castelite formation, serving multiple roles – lookout, sniper, and formidable flank defence.

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Second-generation city ogors are known for their remarkable ability to keep their stomachs under control for hours at a time – but nevertheless make for unpredictable steeds. How would you like a tiny boss who clambers up your shoulders just to bark orders down at you? Longer-lasting Warhulk pairings tend to rely on a bond beyond that of rank and command, such as a life debt or a lost bet. 

Those without such a relationship must resort to cruder means, pairing simple commands with tasty strips of meat dropped from above. A suitably-motivated ogor will mostly tolerate their irritating burden, and instead focus on happily pulverising anything that looks at them funny with their warhulk mace.

AoS FusilMajor Jun20 Rule

From atop their mobile watchtower a Fusil-major can unleash crack shots with little distraction, eliminating key enemy assets and forcing whole fronts to collapse without command. The Fortified Position created when an Ogor Warhulk plants its feet and pavise into the ground makes them nigh-unassailable by enemy counterfire, ignoring the Rend on all ranged attacks that target it.

The Cities of Sigmar are mustering in renewed strength. We’ve seen footsloggers, noble knights, and Freeguild generals – and more are coming. Sign up for the Warhammer Community newsletter to be made aware of all the latest releases. 

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