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White Dwarf 467 Digs Deep Into Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s New Edition

WD467Preview Jul30 Header

August’s issue of White Dwarf is almost upon us, and with it comes a whole host of articles digging into Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s third edition. It even includes a cardboard rules reference sheet to help you get your heroic actions and monstrous rampages in order. Check out the brilliant cover.

WD467Preview Jul30 Covers

Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s triumphant new edition is the focus of issue 467, but we doubt you’re prepared for just how much extra hobby goodness has been packed in.

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Let’s take a closer look at what’s on offer.

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The Era of the Beast Is Upon Us

Have you ever wondered what goes into creating a brand new range of exciting minis? The Warhammer Age of Sigmar designers spill all in this bumper section, which covers the ins and outs of the details and motifs for every model in the Dominion launch box.  

This is followed by a series of articles that cover painting the stunning new models at every level from beginner to pro. Expect everything from how the ’Eavy Metal studio tackled the incredible centrepiece Heroes – complete with paint swatches that represent the main colours on each miniature – all the way through to guides to get your armies Battle and Parade Ready.

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An incredibly in-depth designer’s commentary also shines a light on how the team made Warhammer Age of Sigmar’s new edition the best yet. Spoiler alert: everyone loves writing about Monsters and talking about Monsters. 

Next up, there’s a thrilling Battle Report which sees the Yndrasta and a warband of thunderstrike-armoured Stormcasts face off against the Kruleboyz in a retelling of the Battle of Amberstone Watch. Who wins? Well, that would be telling…

White Dwarf 467 also contains a guide to Hysh featuring some lovely maps, and the Tome Celestial focuses on some of the biggest folks in the realms, the Sons of Behemat. Finally for the Mortal Realms, discover fresh core battalions and rules for matched play, as well as some brilliant ways to use your gargants in a Path to Glory campaign.

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Now let’s turn our attention to the war-torn future of the 41st Millennium.

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Frostbitten Battles

In White Dwarf 466, Hive Fleet Leviathan arrived in the Octarius Sector, landing on the harsh winter planet of Death of Bianzeer. 

The Tyranids have rapidly adapted to the harsh climate, and a simple extermination has transformed into a gruelling battle for survival fought by the Salamander’s successor Chapter the Dark Krakens in this second instalment of Blood and Snow. 

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August’s issue features rules for battling through harsh winter conditions, as well as six new Relics split across the Dark Krakens, Deathwatch, and Tyranids.

WHUW 600Wide LOGOEarlier this month, we took a look at how to make Duinclaw a force to be reckoned with in Arena Mortis. Issue 467 features a comprehensive guide on how to bring the rest of Elathain’s Soulraid up to our prized crab’s level in Warhammer Underworlds, as well as tips to ensure Kainan’s Reapers can secure bones for the tithe.

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August’s Glory Points then continues to take a look at how warbands are designed for Warhammer Underworlds, this time focusing on the objective and power cards that come together to make each warband play differently.

All that is just the tip of the iceberg. Make sure you grab next month’s issue to enjoy a Warhammer Crime short story from Black Library, a series of linked scenarios for Necromunda, the latest instalment of A Tale of Four Warlords, and so much more.

White Dwarf 467 is available to pre-order from the 14th of August and on shelves in your local Warhammer store from the 20th of August – don’t forget that you can subscribe to get the latest issue delivered directly to your door. As usual, the exclusive subscriber issue comes with a text-free cover showing off that Stormcast Eternals and Kruleboyz art in its full glory.

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