Tyranid Warriors are the order of the day in the third instalment of our Grotmas Calendar – it’s the Warrior Bioform Onslaught.

None of the synapse‐beasts of the Hive Fleets are more prevalent than Tyranid Warriors. Lethal killing machines in their own right, they serve not only as instruments of destruction but as relay nodes through which the will of the Hive Mind transmits. Armed with an array of devastating weaponised biomorphs, broods of Tyranid Warriors slaughter their way through any resistance and open a path for hordes of Hormagaunts and Termagants to obliterate all remaining resistance.
Tyranid Warriors and Winged Tyranid Prime gain extra protection to enact the Hive Mind’s will in this detachment, with a 5+ Invulnerable Save to protect them as the leaders of this force. Warriors also gain the Battleline keyword and an increased Objective Control characteristic.
When Tyranid Warriors are put into such a place of leadership within the hivemind, other units adapt. An example of this is the Synaptic Tyrant Enhancement that allows a Neurotyrant to join a Tyranid Warriors unit, granting its bonuses to the unit as a whole. To express their synaptic control, commanders of this Detachment can use the Synaptic Amplification Stratagem to give both one Tyranid Warriors unit and one Endless Multitude unit within 6” the ability to re-roll wounds for one phase.
Bon appetite! Tomorrow we’re really diving into the magic of Christmas with… the Thousand Sons.