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  • The Wildercorps Hunters Pair Human and Hound to Scout the Mortal Realms

The Wildercorps Hunters Pair Human and Hound to Scout the Mortal Realms

The Cities of Sigmar range far and wide across the Mortal Realms to reclaim the settlements lost in the Age of Chaos. Mighty Dawnbringer Crusades filled with citizens are accompanied by columns made up of seasoned marshals, rifle-toting Fusiliers, and lumbering Ogor Warhulks with eagle-eyed buddies.

These Castelite formations are so vast as to be easy pickings for agile enemy warbands that swipe at flanks and pick off stragglers. To ensure the territory they forge into is safe, wise generals dispatch bands of dedicated Wildercorps Hunters ahead of them to act as stealthy scouts.

The Wildercorps Hunters are expert trackers, with an intimate knowledge of the rougher parts of the Mortal Realms. Often recruited from the Reclaimed – those peoples who survived for generations under the cruel lash of Chaos, while Azyr’s doors were closed – they’ve endured sickness, hunger, and inclement weather to hone their skills to a keen knife’s edge.

Wildercorps squads are unparalleled in their ability to scout the environment for traps and sappers. They perform this surveillance with the aid of Trailhounds, legendarily bad-tempered dogs bred for keen senses and powerful jaws. They sniff out rival scouting parties and reconnoitre shady groves and clammy warrens where the Hunters can lie in wait.

AoS WildercorpsReveal Jun24 Squad

When armies clash, these hardy pioneers use their foreknowledge of the battlefield to remain effectively unseen by their enemies – as such, they can’t be targeted while they’re in cover or outside of 12". All the while, they carefully train their arbalests on critical targets, aiming for vulnerable spots to confer an extra pip of Rend to their devastating ambushes.

AoS WildercorpsReveal Jun24 Rule

Not content with scouting duties for larger armies, the Wildercorps Hunters also strike out on their own as a Warcry warband. This group of skilled loners and slobbering hounds are easily the equal of other bands who bring their own pets into battle, from the Offal Hounds of the Royal Beastflayers to the simian Howlaz tamed by Monsta-Killaz.

Who are they hunting in the Gnarlwood? We’ll have to wait and see, but those are some awfully worrying tracks…

The Cities of Sigmar still have plenty more reinforcements oiling their weapons and polishing their armour. As the Cities of Sigmar Army Set marches ever-closer to release, we’ll have more reveals for you right here on Warhammer Community.

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