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The Best 8 Moments From the Awesome New Warhammer 40,000 Cinematic Trailer

Did you see the action-packed cinematic trailer for the new edition of Warhammer 40,000 we showed off at AdeptiCon? You really must. And even if you did, there’s no harm in watching it again:

We’ve lost count of the number of times we’ve watched it here in Warhammer Community Towers, and we’ve picked out some of our favourite moments – plus a few details that you might have missed. 

Roboute Guilliman Is Still in Charge


His brother may be back on the scene, and his nephew might be warden of Imperium Nihilus, but the Primarch of the Ultramarines is directing the action. Sure, things don’t look so good at the moment but the Avenging Son surely has a plan, right? Right?

Location Location Location


Speaking of Roboute Guilliman’s family, that door he’s kneeling in front of at the start of the trailer? That is the Silver Door, behind which sits his father, the Emperor, entombed on the Golden Throne. That magnificent engraving on the door depicts a warlord surrendering to him during the Unification of Terra.*

Sneaky Bugs


We had thought that Snikrot was the sneakiest character in the galaxy. But after watching those Tyranids creep up on that Space Marine and take him out before he even knew what was happening, we’re not so sure… 

Enough Dakka To Make an Ork Green With Envy


It’s a heart-in-mouth moment when that teleport homer slams into the ground. A flash of light and the Terminators appear!** As the assault cannon spins into action, you get a real feel for the heft and rate of fire of this iconic weapon. Sadly for the wielder, things end poorly as he’s ripped into two while still firing. Hey, it was fun while it lasted. 

It Screams As It Kills


Plasma weaponry is a big thing in the 41st Millennium, but there’s nothing quite as visceral as bio-plasma! What has four big scything talons and spits bio-plasma? Whatever that big beastie is, it somehow feels very familiar... 

Gunslinger Dreadnought


Speaking of familiar designs, that looks like a Redemptor-sized Dreadnought armed with twin lascannons and a missile launcher. If talent borrows and genius steals, we wonder where Belisarius Cawl has been getting his ideas from…

The Mind War


Struggling to counter an enemy psyker merrily chopping his way through your army? What you need is a bigger brain! A lifetime of training vs being specifically evolved for the task? Even with a Terminator-armoured psychic hood, it’s 1-0 to the Shadow in the Warp. 

One Knife Good, Two Knives Better


This guy gets the first kill of the trailer, but really comes into his own when he gets his second knife out and starts slicing and dicing. Dual-wielding combat knives? It’s pretty terrific!


Right, we’re off to watch it again! Join us on Facebook and Twitter to let us know your favourite parts of the cinematic trailer. And sign up for the brand new Warhammer 40,000 newsletter – you can choose from a Tyranids-themed email or a Space Marines-themed missive – and we’ll send all the latest info about the new edition straight to your inbox.

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* Roboute clearly has a lot of famous friends – if the Emperor weren’t impressive enough, the Tech-Priest at the end of the video is known to millions from his appearance in the Armouring of a Space Marine video.

** At this point, we’d like to nominate the teleport homer for a best supporting actor award.

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