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  • Trample the Blood Bowl Pitch With the Rambunctious Rumbelow Sheepskin

Trample the Blood Bowl Pitch With the Rambunctious Rumbelow Sheepskin

What’s making those menacing hoofbeats? Is it a Thundertusk? Is it a Bull Centaur? No, it’s Rumbelow Sheepskin and his cantankerous pet ram.

That’s right – Blood Bowl’s new hotness is a deadly combination of Halfling and bloodthirsty ovine. As the first Halfling Star Player to be released since 1990, ewe’ll definitely want to add this unique player to your team.

Rumbelow Sheepskin and Longshanks

As a Blocker, Rumbelow is famed for terrorising the Blood Bowl pitch. He tightly grips the reins of Longshanks, the dangerous ram he rides into play, who is all too eager to leap head-first towards the opposition. This stylish sheep even has his own custom helmet in a true show of team spirit!


You can pull the wool over your opponent’s eyes with the pair’s unique ability, the aptly named Ram, which allows Longshanks to trample any rivals knocked down by the Block action once per game.


This dynamic duo can play for teams associated with the Halfling Thimble Cup, Old World Classic, or Worlds Edge Superleague, and they’re the perfect recruits if you’re looking to ram through a few touchdowns.

Rumbelow and Longshanks will be rampaging onto the pitch soon, but in the meantime, sign up to our newsletter for all the latest Blood Bowl news.

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