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The Rumour Engine – 2nd of May 2023

We think we’ve found a way of getting a clearer image from the rumour engine. Some shadowy acolyte we met on the way to the kitchen introduced us to a brilliant idea: the RumourChain. Apparently, for the small consideration of our mortal soul, we can induce the Rumour Engine to manifest an image that can only be associated with one specific future miniature lodged on the Rumour Ledger. This faintly smouldering robed figure referred to them as Non-Replicable Generations. We’re all in!

RumourEngine May2 Content

Well, that’s undoubtedly a bog-standard Rumour Engine picture right there. And why does everything smell faintly of sulphur? Still, if you feel like getting in on the ground floor of this exciting new rumour investment vehicle, you can start by helping us figure out what this new image is on Twitter and Facebook.

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