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  • Warhammer Day 2021 – Something Festive This Way Comes... What Could it Be?

Warhammer Day 2021 – Something Festive This Way Comes... What Could it Be?

WHDay Xmas Oct30 Header

Warhammer Day has been absolutely packed with goodies, regardless of what game system you’re into, but we’re not done yet. There’s one final thing that we want to share before signing off.

So, grab yourself a lovely cup of hot chocolate, warm yourself by the fire, and watch the snow fall as we whisk you away to a wintery wonderland where mischief awaits...

We’re not sure what the festive season is like in all the varied worlds of Warhammer,* but we know that a small part of it is bouncing its way free and smashing into the real world in miniature form.

Exactly what form that takes, well, we’re not yet at liberty to say, as we’d rather stay off the naughty list this year! Ask us again in a few days’ time...

That’s the end of our Warhammer Day announcements, covering everything from the plague god’s continued assault on the Mortal Realms in Warhammer Age of Sigmar, a clash between the Emperor’s most loyal servants and xenos cultists in Warhammer 40,000, and an unexpected blast from the past with Dungeon Bowl.

WHDay Xmas Oct30 Wrapup

What would be your number-one Warhammer present, and who do you think would be most likely to deliver it to you?** Let us know the answer to both of these questions over on the Warhammer Community Twitter, where we’ll be doing our best to convey your letters to the correct gift-giving entity.

This has been just one part of our Warhammer Day Preview Online, which includes announcements for Warhammer 40,000, Warhammer Age of Sigmar, and much more besides. Check out the Warhammer Day homepage to catch up on the full live stream and find links to all the breaking news.

* We’re going to get our best researchers and writers on this.

** Don’t forget you can always make a Gift List on and share it with a unique ID if you want a more reliable way of letting people know what you’re after.

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