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  • Tanks, Troops, and Titans Get a Legions Imperialis Makeover From the Warhammer Hobby Community

Tanks, Troops, and Titans Get a Legions Imperialis Makeover From the Warhammer Hobby Community

Legions Imperialis is only just over the horizon, and as we plan our batch painting, some of our favourite painters from across the Warhammer hobby community have already been hard at work shaping up their diminutive armies. 

LI InfluPaint Nov17 1 SamL

Sam Lenz kicks things off with a great assemblage of Sons of Horus Space Marines, packing plenty of firepower from Tactical Marines and Terminators to Sicaran tanks and Dreadnoughts.

LI InfluPaint Nov17 2 Brushstroke

Speaking of Sicarans, loads of our dutiful community painters submitted their own speedy squadrons of destroyer tanks. Brushstroke’s Iron Warriors, Andrew Farrell’s Imperial Fists, and Michael Chmielewski’s eye-popping Sons of Horus all pack tons of detail into small packages.

A column of Deimos Predator tanks rumble into view, with an eclectic trio from Emma Svensson, a pair of Ultramarines from Chris Pike, a Death Guard squadron from Vincent Knotley, and Liam Howell’s smoky-smooth Salamanders.

LI InfluPaint Nov17 4 MattW

Plenty of our contributors submitted whole collections of units, ready to take to the field as mighty miniature armies. Matt Wingrove deployed an entire company of Blood Angels, complete with armoured and air support.

LI InfluPaint Nov17 5 Garfy

Likewise, Garfy’s Iron Warriors went heavy on the vehicles – as you’d expect – making their drab armour shine with pristine metallics that really show off the detail on each miniature.

It wasn’t only Space Marines that made a showing. Rob Walters and Karan Tabera produced immaculate Solar Auxilia infantry squads, while Tim Linward and Howard Tee took to the motor pool for a wide assortment of dependable tanks.

LI InfluPaint Nov17 7 JessicaS

We can’t forget the god-engines of the Collegia Titanica! With two Warhound Titans coming in the Legions Imperialis launch box, our painting friends had plenty to practise on. Máryse White, Jessica Smart, and Chris Wildman all put brush to these (relatively) massive Legio Titanicus fighting machines, making good use of the wide armour panels to pack in plenty of smooth colours.

LI InfluPaint Nov17 8 SpencerS

We even had a diorama submission from Spencer Stone, showing incredible craftsmanship in the creation of an epic-scale scene. It’s the perfect backdrop to make you forget this tank is only an inch tall!

Want to see more of the amazing miniatures painted by our hobby community? Keep an eye on our Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter/X pages to check out the rest! Plus, take a gander at a showcase of Legions Imperialis models painted by the Warhammer Community team.

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