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  • Secret Level trailer: Watch the Ultramarines in all their brutal glory in the new Warhammer 40,000 animation

Secret Level trailer: Watch the Ultramarines in all their brutal glory in the new Warhammer 40,000 animation

This is not a drill! A new Secret Level trailer has just dropped, and this time it’s ALL Warhammer.

Glorious! And In just 18 days, you can watch the full episode. Until then, here are a few of our favourite bits from the trailer.

Pistols at dusk

Check out this firing squad for size. If the heavy bolt pistols aren't enough to dissuade you from your heretical ways, the glowing plasma pistol should certainly make you reconsider your idolatry!

(Ultramarine) blue eyes

OK, so who exactly is this kid, and why is he covered in blood? We’ve got our theories already…

A perfect fit

We never realised just how cool putting on a helmet could be. It goes to show the incredible level of care and detail the team at Blur have poured into this project – working side by side with the Warhammer studio to get every little detail just right.

Don’t mess with Titus

You probably knew that already. But to really hammer that home, here’s our boy in blue, standing over what we can only presume is the ruins of his latest foe, totally untroubled by nearby sorcerous explosions. What a champ.

It is now just a matter of days until you can watch the full episode for yourself.

The Warhammer 40,000 episode of Secret Level drops on the 10th of December on Prime Video.