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  • Two painting presenters down brushes and tackle each other in Spearhead for this week’s episode of Battle Report

Two painting presenters down brushes and tackle each other in Spearhead for this week’s episode of Battle Report

Things are changing up a little on Battle Report this week! Ollie, whom you will recognise from dozens of painting videos on the Warhammer YouTube channel, and Ed, the man from Citadel Colour Masterclass, have both been painting up their own Spearhead forces ahead of a tabletop clash.

Painting an army is certainly a task, especially when you’re as committed to quality as these two painting presenters, but a Spearhead force is a fun, self-contained project with an achievable end goal. We asked our two combatants how they got on with picking, painting, and playing with their chosen Spearheads.

Ollie: It had been so long since I painted an Age of Sigmar force, and I just had to go with the Seraphon! The Starscale Warhost is an awesome force to behold. Tough Saurus Warriors, even tougher Kroxigors, and well… a Carnosaur!

Instead of sporting the usual bright and vibrant colours, my Seraphon are white. Well, at least they are before the battle begins… I wanted to really emphasise the cold-blooded and merciless side, so I covered these guys in Blood for the Blood God! Or I guess now Blood for the Star Gods? I like to imagine that each of my warriors enters battle with the aim of getting absolutely covered in gore, with only the strongest standing triumphant, and their once-white scales now dripping red. The scales are simply a White Scar spray with Targor Rageshade over everything!

On the battlefield, the Seraphon are tough! There’s a great mix of hard-hitting anti-infantry units like the Kroxigors and anti-everything units like the Carnosaur. But it’s important to remember that, unlike several other spearheads, none of your units will be coming back as reinforcements, at least not without Battle Tactic cards. If you over commit, you’ll quickly find all your eggs in one basket… or one gargant sack!

Ed: I had already been toying with starting a new Age of Sigmar army, but I wanted an ‘elite’ army with only a few models so I could put a bit more effort into it. As soon as I saw the Wallsmasher Stomp I was immediately on board with three brutish louts whom I could paint some tattoos on.

Painting them was really simple, I airbrushed my skin tones on all three to save some time and make sure each was unique before I started on clothing and tattoos. For the ragged, thrice-repaired fashion statements the gargants call trousers, I again was looking to speed through. By the time I came to the third, I had just been painting a Masterclass episode on Leopard Print and I was inspired to transfer the same scheme over to my final model. Several hours later I regretted this rash decision as I was seeing nothing but lines for days afterwards! I finished everything off with some tattoos and loosely used some existing real-life styles as rough inspiration. It does beg the question though: do the gargants tattoo each other, or do other denizens of the Mortal Realms step in to lend a smaller, steadier hand?

Playing games requires more nuance than expected. I thought I would walk in, smash some puny opponents and stomp away. I did really need to think carefully about model placement and how I could clip objectives to still hold them while keeping my opponents at bay. With only three models, you really have to try and plan out your turn well in advance!

Cheers folks! Watch the episode over on WarhammerTV, alongside this week’s episode of Loremasters where Alex talks about the T’au Empire’s Second Sphere Expansions and the legendary Commander Puretide – one of the greatest tactical minds and mentor to luminary T’au like Commanders Farsight and Shadowsun.

You can catch all of this and loads more simply by subscribing to Warhammer+. If you’re signed up by the 31st of October, you’ll be in with a chance of winning the recently released Ultimate Guide to Warhammer. There are five copies on offer, and to enter it’s as simple as signing up.*