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How Age of Sigmar's Dominion Boxed Set Draws on 40 Years of Warhammer History

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We recently blew the lid off the upcoming Dominion boxed set during an online preview event, heralding the next edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar and showing off loads of new models. The armies inside offer fresh takes on both Stormcast Eternals and Orruk Warclans, but they fit in seamlessly next to the existing ranges.

We asked the Warhammer studio for their insight into how these new units were designed – and how they drew on over 40 years of Warhammer to create something striking and new while speaking to that history.


The new orruks look different from the heavily armoured Ironjawz and the atavistic Bonesplitterz (such as the ultra-aggressive Hedkrakka’s Madmob). Where their larger kin represent the raw brutality of the Gork half of the Orruk’s twin-headed god, Gorkamorka, the Kruleboyz reflect the vicious inventiveness of Mork.

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They’re brutal, sure, but it’s their cunning that sets them apart. They might not rush quite as headlong into battle, but they’ll do anything it takes to win – no tactic is too underhanded or trick too dirty for them. They even display an affinity for ranged weapons and poisoned blades, which other orruks find peculiar, if not outright disgraceful.

Though the designs are fresh, veteran Warhammer fans will find them strangely familiar – not least because of the skareshields most of them carry.

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Brightly painted leering faces on greenskin shields have been a part of Warhammer for over four decades, and these sculpts bring them to life in greater detail than ever before. Older editions of Warhammer Fantasy Battles are replete with examples of distinctive shield designs, like these classic John Blanche studies, and it’s easy to see how they’ve inspired the skareshields of the Kruleboyz.

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Kruleboyz are also far less uniform in appearance than what we’ve seen of other orruks, giving the army a motley appearance befitting their unsavoury reputation. Every single model is full of characterful details that will delight painters and collectors, and their methods of war introduce a new tactical dimension to Destruction armies.


Hobgrots can be placed somewhere between an orruk and a grot, and they too have been around for ages in the form of hobgoblins. Hobgrots have a distinctive look even amongst the Kruleboyz, with weapons and armour wrought in angular, sharp-edged shapes.

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The peculiar appearance of hobgrots is inspired by the Hobgoblins of old, notable for their cruel grins, spiteful blades, and some unusual technology in the form of those riveted iron grenades. When did these Orruks get so smart? 

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The Kruleboyz revel in the chaos of the rise of the Earthquake God, Kragnos. The forces of Destruction threaten to overwhelm the Realms, but fear not! The Dominion box also contains an army of heavenly warriors ready to hold the line.

Thunderstrike Stormcast Eternals

Sigmar’s champions continue to evolve to meet the changing battlefields of the Mortal Realms. They bear all the hallmarks of the Stormcast Eternals you know and love, but they look a bit different – and for good reason. This new breed of warrior wields blessed weapons and dons ingenious Thunderstrike armour.

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So why the different armour? If you haven’t been keeping up with Broken Realms, you might want to have a look at this primer to find out why these new warriors are essential to the Stormcast Eternals’ continued survival in the Mortal Realms. Sigmar’s champions have been linked directly to Azyr since their creation, but that connection has been compromised.

Thunderstrike armour was designed to allow fallen Stormcasts to pierce the veil of corrupt Chaos energy that now swirls above the realms. The path back to Azyr is still dangerous, and the Stormcast Eternals spend more time than ever on the ground, working more closely with mortalkind.

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Their armour is slender and ergonomic compared to the more classic style, as befits longer deployments and campaigns without returning to Azyr. Without the Thunderstrike armour, Stormcast Eternals would be losing a battle of attrition as their numbers slowly dwindle.

If you haven’t already taken a look, the Warhammer Age of Sigmar website is full of information about the new edition, with more being added all the time. Sign up for the email newsletter if you want to make sure you don’t miss any important dates or developments.

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Check back tomorrow to find out when you’ll be able to pre-order the Dominion boxed set!

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