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  • White Dwarf 484 Ushers a Corrupted Ark of Omen Out of the Warp With Six New Missions

White Dwarf 484 Ushers a Corrupted Ark of Omen Out of the Warp With Six New Missions

The first White Dwarf of 2023 is available to pre-order this Saturday. Issue 484 is full of great articles, with a heavy focus on the new Warhammer 40,000 game mode, Boarding Actions. Here’s a spotlight on the most exciting parts of this month’s issue.

WD484 Jan09 Cover

Arks of Omen: Abaddon contains a brand new collection of missions that take place inside cavernous voidships, and this month’s White Dwarf introduces a named Ark to battle in – the Herald of Misery

This ancient leviathan of the stars is infected with feral warp-entities – daemonic gheists that riddle its systems like corrupted growths, where they lash out at invaders, expel corrosive energies, and metastasise into impenetrable walls of otherworldly flesh. This issue contains six unique missions set on board the Herald of Misery, alongside a series of cardboard tiles to represent the various warp-infected entities that crop up inside.

WD484 Jan09 BoardingAc

Then there’s an overview of the sorts of tactical decisions you need to make when fighting in the uniquely cramped confines of a voidship’s interior, and a thorough analysis of the Arks of Omen: Abaddon mission, The Pipeline.

The fighting in space hulks continues on a smaller scale, as the White Dwarf team enters the grand finale and round-up stage of their Kill Team excursion into the Gallowdark.

WD484 Jan09 KillTeam

Dark, dank caverns are also popular in the Mortal Realms. The Warhammer Age of Sigmar Flashpoint Clash features an underground mini-campaign fought between the madcap Gloomspite Gitz and the perpetually scheming Skaven. 

Fans of the Middle-earth Strategy Battle Game™ get a second look at the new Battle of Osgiliath™ box set, with a battle report using the box's contents on a gorgeous board packed with the new terrain – a worthy follow-up to the free Battle Report on Warhammer TV.

WD484 Jan09 Osgiliath

There are also reader questions, Idoneth Deepkin updates for Warcry, and beautiful miniatures painted by people from all over the world. The Hobby Bingo card will give you plenty of excuses to exercise your painting skills in 2023. 

Sign up for the Warhammer newsletter to avoid missing out on future White Dwarf updates, and pre-order issue 484 this weekend.

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